Agenda - 06-02-1998 - 8c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-02-1998
Agenda - 06-02-1998 - 8c
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7/9/2010 4:04:37 PM
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7/9/2010 4:04:34 PM
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1998 S Health - UNC Dept of Family Medicine
(Linked From)
\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\1990's\1998
1998 S Health - UNC School of Dentistry Dept of Dental Eecology for Smart Start Grant
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\1990's\1998
1998 S Health - UNC School of Dentistry dept of Pediatric Dentistry 06-02-1998-8c
(Linked From)
\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\1990's\1998
1998 S Health - UNC School of Dentistry for its Dept of Dental Ecology 06-02-1998-8c
(Linked From)
\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\1990's\1998
1998 S Health - UNC School of Pharmacy 06-02-1998-8c
\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\1990's\1998
Minutes - 19980602
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\1990's\1998
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3 CO`~'IR.~C7 BET~Ji~ i <br />Tl~ ~TV~.-.RSITY OF `+ORTH C.~ROLL'+3:~tT CH.~L HILL <br />FOR ITS SCHOOL OF PH.~R'rL~CY :~;`FD <br />THl; OR~i i GE COL~TX Hr ~1I.TH DEP~iRT~1F~i Z' ll <br />''__ iais c::uti'-ct is c~iwren the liniv~ity of~cr~ C~nLma ac C'aacei t?iIl nor its Se~ool ar P'aarnac;~, ne-eia refs;; ~ ;o ~ , <br />SchCOi, and dte Qrange CouIICy F.ea~~ Degat anent, nc.~ein rt'e:-ai ..o as t$e I-Ic31th tJegarcaent it is untie; s`~ccd ghat ~e <br />. Division of Ptzartaacy Practice of ~e-Scisool will direct and prcvida cracsitani piiarmaer ~-vic°s to the c::sli.4 Dega,-~~:;t. <br />it is further uctdetstoed that der:'xiIl be 3 mL "I ceoezration be;~rern ~8 C~ir, Division of ?kart;lacy Prarc:, Scilcot ci <br />Pharmacy, and the Directar of ~e ffealth D'eg~e~ in cauduc~.:ng o4e acCvities as descrbed Below: <br />L The Healt#e Departrneat sgre~: <br />i. to allow pharmacy saideats under ;upecvisien to olrain; Dart of their ~ucrienaI :.xLer2nce in u.e ;-T_~s!-,;; <br />Degarttaenr; <br />Z to provide guiaaace and assistance w~ir~ elated admiai.~tive or technical 3szrs of grovidin; censuitaat <br />pharmacy srrvic~ 3s rquesz.°d; <br />1. to participate ~ ~e on;oinst avaluatioa of the role of La pharnacist in tfre Eecsl K:aIth Deaarsieac <br />. 4. to teimbtrrst the ~cheoi or Pharmacy S-:1 fi.oo per mono (55,000 per yews). Tae School will submit a biil to <br />the Kealtlz Deparsnent twice anat:ally, iYovetnber aad_`fay, for consultant gi~aanacy services croa-ided. <br />5. to enable tfre paarnacist to periern 2II activities mandated 6y all apoficaole laws, re~zuiatious, ;cd <br />standards; <br />6. to re~sicr the paartaacy serric:s with appropriate smx and federal agencies with the assistance of ; ;e <br />consultant pharmacist; <br />'r. to allow the pita,r~aci:t to particigat~ in o +cser ~reIated 3crvities in the L1ealt,~t Depattlnent if a~r-::d to by Danz <br />parties; and <br />S. to comply with such nan-discrimiaatiea taws in its :dt:cPtioaai andlor et<tn(oyment practices as ~aay be <br />applicable in rile gericrtnancr of this contract. <br />iL The University that the Scboal of Pharmacy will: <br />1. provide pharmacist starT-cug surzcient to deliver all at the activities identia2d in :~acendix A: the ;t3~n; <br />pattern to tae foiiawiag wtll oe-~ to by ~e Chair, Division of Phsrtttaey P;3ctice, and chz Dir_ctoc of <br />ttie $eahh Dc~ataaent; the activities of all School personnel within the ;I~lth Department s;z2,ii be *.hc <br />tesganstbility of the School; <br />2. be respQnsi'ole for the a~ligecce of ir; enigloyaes anti agents to the extent oi'the North Caro[itta Tcrt <br />Claims Act F~lr~tr, o4e Lniversity, in cons~cltativn as to arrxouat wirh the OCrT~1, will gmvida 3deeu2te <br />profcssianaI fia,'cii;~{ irsu-anc_ or the University, its ;rodents sud persaaney wClo provide *.hz SZt'tic.°.$ <br />descrit~ed in ~e a.~.~ment T=e ins~cc limits ~xiIl ae ;rated is a Csr~cart of IDS,u-aucc mnrtrtad ar ,Ze <br />time the coact s commenced: <br />3. assia~e chaz pharmacy sa: vices meet all apgiicabte I2ws, regulations and s:aadard_s; <br />e ;bona %deaarJ4r~C~6oe <br />~~ <br />
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