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I <br /> 1 <br /> 2 A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to continue the <br /> 3 outstanding rating of the current pay plan. <br /> VOTE: AYES, 3; NOS, 2 (Commissioner Crowther and Commissioner Carey) <br /> 6 A motion was made by Commissioner Crowther, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to adopt the County <br /> 7 fee schedule. <br /> 8 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 9 <br /> 10 A motion was made by Chair Brown, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to investigate ways to continue <br /> 11 the function of the temporary public health educator and bring back a recommendation. <br /> 12 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 13 <br /> 14 b. Professional services contract between Orange County Tax Department and Stadermann <br /> 15 Consulting Services d/b/a SCS Direct Mail Marketing <br /> 16 The Board considered an agreement with Stadermann Consulting Services for production and mailing of tax <br /> 17 bills and/or notices. <br /> 18 Tax Collector Ginger Rolfe said that changes have been made to the agreement to assure confidentiality of <br /> 19 the data base as requested by the County Commissioners. <br /> 20 Commissioner Gordon made reference to pages 10 and 11 and Geoffrey Gledhill confirmed that Stadermann <br /> 21 will only use Orange County's information for Orange County purposes and not for any other purpose. He emphasized <br /> 22 that they agreed not to use it for any other purposes. If we find out they are going to use it for some other purpose and <br /> 23 we have to go to court, the agreement says that they pay for litigation if this goes to court because of misuse of <br /> 24 confidential information. <br /> 25 A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Carey to approve and <br /> 26 authorize the Chair to sign this agreement. <br /> 27 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 28 <br /> The Board discussed the information they want to include in the same envelope as the tax bill. These <br /> �. included septic tank information, EMS services and list of achievements accomplished by County departments. <br /> 31 <br /> 32 <br /> 33 C. HOME program development agreement—Scarlett Drive <br /> 34 The Board considered approval of a development agreement with Orange County Community Housing <br /> 35 Corporation for$50,000 in HOME funding to assist with new residential construction on Scarlett Drive, Chapel Hill. <br /> 36 Housing and Community Development Director Tara Fikes reported that fourteen town homes would be <br /> 37 build, each approximately 1,000 sq. feet. They think it will take nine months to get through the planning process and <br /> 38 begin construction in June, 1999. <br /> 39 A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Carey to approve and <br /> 40 authorize the Chair to sign the Development Agreement with Orange Community Housing Corporation contingent upon <br /> 41 the County Attorney's review and approval. <br /> 42 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 43 <br /> 44 <br /> 45 d. Proposal to form a new Environment and Resource Conservation Department <br /> 46 The Board considered establishing a new Environment and Resource Conservation Department. <br /> 47 Commissioner Gordon said that what we are talking about now is having this as a separate department <br /> 48 instead of a separate division of the Planning Department. For several years there has been a Commissioners'goal <br /> 49 concerning the establishment of resource conservation as a separate function in County government and June 1998 was <br /> 50 the date we had scheduled to make a decision on this function. She recommends that this department be established <br /> 51 and she read the steps for implementation as included in the agenda. <br /> 52 Commissioner Crowther said that he does not want this to be a separate department. He supports bringing <br /> 5-1 resource conservation to a higher level. However, he believes we already have the Soil and Water Conservation <br /> Department. and that some of the things we would like to do are being done at the state and federal level. He also <br /> 5 wants to see what functions our Economic Development Department will be doing. <br /> 56 Commissioner Carey said that he has some similar concerns. He would like to see a comprehensive report <br /> 57 before they take any further action on creating a new department. He feels that the cost of County Government will <br /> 58 increase if we add another department. He would like to see it in an existing department until we see how it progresses. <br /> 59 He feels that the Soil and Water Conservation Department does a great job. <br /> i <br />