Orange County NC Website
i <br />. r, <br />(ksapational S1a77Is Training <br />CET's imYtucbionat Program integrates activities to meet the maigne needs of participants and W ensure that <br />they are fully Prepared for a productive new job. The Program is caomgrelunsive, atilizing stale of the art <br />educational methods. including: <br />o Modalar cutticula <br />o Competesacy-based. performance ass~meat <br />o Self-Pacxd Iearning <br />a Job relatedpre-vocational basic skills remediation <br />o Voc~ional Englisi~as-a-Second Language <br />o Vocational and persomal counseling <br />o Instruction is job seelQng skills <br />Trtiaiag u oQea-entry and apes-exit with a variable coturse length. It is individualized, sell-paced. task- <br />oriented and icy-based. Training ficdinies and teaching method~ologr umalate work conditions in order to <br />prepare trainees not only with the knowledge rtgaired for their chosen occa~tion, but also with the proper work <br />attitrides and behaviors. PunetIIalitr, initiative and cooperation arc emphasizes. <br />Over ti0°/a of a participant's training is hands-on, utilizing equiprueat similar to that. wIucit is in:'use by Iocal <br />emplwers. An iastrncior to trainer ratio of appra~amately one insirmctor for tifteea to twenty sdtdents allows for <br />individualized. personal attention. Only after the participant has demot>sirated armpeteacy is the particir]ar unit of <br />study does he or she move on. , <br />while they arc in training, stndeats are covered by the attached Cigna accident insuraa~ poIicr. <br />Job Deveiopmmt & Placeateat <br />CET employs full-time job developers who identify job openings and Iink CEI' trainees with employers. Job <br />developers work with trainers from the begirming of training to their camplction and placement on a job. when a <br />trainee is determined to be "job wady" by the training team, he or she is referrtd to the job developer to begin the <br />jab search process. Throughout their tiraimng. trainees attend job search RwtiCShops where they practice filling out <br />aPP~~• Pic a ~~ identify j~ ~~ ~ Pia intezvie~aring ~~ Job developers refer <br />participates to trainingrdated job openings and provide ongoing support and assrstantce is the job search process. <br />Students do not leave Draining until they are acLvally placed is as jab. At CEI': Your diploma is a <br />jab! <br />Fa,low-cep Serrices . <br />Follow-up contacts ara made by the job devdoper or as alumni support connsclor immediaieiy upon Plaamem <br />and tbereatter for the nett six months. Assistance is provided when a ms's problems are endangering job <br />snbdity. Alumni are digtbk for re-employment assistanece if they lose their job. This ass~stlncx is at ao cost to the <br />fimdiag agatcy or izDdividuaL <br />a <br />,~ <br />sr~~t~~r o>: woRx <br />Otber Femding/Refcrr~l Sources <br />During the period of this contract, CET will give Priority for training to DSS workFust participants and the <br />carroty DSS offices will make a good faith effort to rrfez sufficient dieats to keep funded training positions ffied. <br />AL the same time CET wftl continue to recruit and enroll participants from other fimding/referral sources in order <br />W ensure comi~ed operation of the training cents. These sows include local ]TPA programs. individual <br />referrals of Vocational Rehabilitation cheats. Telamwa brn¢warkars, sad iadividnai tuition paying students <br />atiliaag federal finaneistl aid. <br />199? Edition <br />