Orange County NC Website
~~ <br />services and transportation of patients within Orange Ccunty. <br />4. DEMOLITION LOT CLEARING AND HAULING SERVICES AWARD <br />To award the demolition contract for the Councilville Community <br />Development Project to the R. W. Jones Grading and Hauling Company for <br />$7,900 and authorize the Chair to sign on behalf of the Board. <br />5. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF SECTION 8 HOUSING ANNUAL <br />CONTRIBUTIONS CONTRACT <br />To adopt a resolutian authorizing execution of Section 8 Existing <br />Housing Assistance Payments Contract and authorize the Chair to sign. <br />The resolution is as follows: <br />WHEREAS, the Orange County Housing and Community Development <br />Department (herein called the "PHA") proposes to enter <br />into an Annual Contributions Contract (herein called the <br />"contract") with the United States of America, Department <br />of Housing and .urban Development (herein called the <br />"Government"). <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the PHA as follows: <br />Section 1. <br />The Contract, numbered Contract No. A 2903, is hereby <br />approved and accepted both as to form and substance and <br />the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners is hereby <br />authorized and directed to execute said Contract in <br />triplicate on behalf of the PHA, and the Clerk of Board <br />of Commissioners is hereby authorized and directed to <br />impress and attest the official seal of the PHA on each <br />such counterpart and to forward said executed <br />counterparts to the Government together with such other <br />documents evidencing the approval and authorizing the <br />execution thereof as may be required by the Government. <br />Section 2. <br />The County Manager is hereby authorized to file with the <br />Government from time to time, as monies are required, <br />requisitions together with the necessary supporting <br />document, for payment under the Contract. <br />Section 3. <br />This Resolution shall take effect immediately. <br />6. C.A.T.,VEHICLEfDRIVER LEASE RATE„SCHEDULE <br />To approve the C.A.T. (Coordinated Agency Transportation) <br />vehicle and driver lease rate schedule for FY 86-87 as listed below: <br />Effective July 1, 1986, the Department on Aging and participating <br />C.A.T. agencies have established the following Rate per Mile Schedule <br />for leasing of C.A.T. vehicles to each other and to qualifying outside <br />organizations. (Note: County Departments who lease D.O.A. vehicles <br />would be charged the rate established by the County Motor Pool) <br />15 Passenger Van..................... $ .35 per mile <br />24 Passenger Minibus ................ $ .50 per mile <br />32 Passenger Bus ...............'..... $ .75 per mile <br />Rates include cost of gas, therefore, receipts must be kept for <br />reimbursement. The cost for a C.A.T. Driver is $5.00 per hour whether <br />the driver is waiting or actually driving the vehicle. <br />All mileage and driver charges begin when the vehicle leaves the <br />Hillsborough Senior Center, 300 West Tryon Street. <br />