Orange County NC Website
~~ <br />(3) Health Department approval of each lot for on site wastewater <br />systems. (A11 lots as shown on the revised preliminary plan <br />have received approval of the Orange County Health Department. <br />This condition is no longer applicable.) ,.-~,,, <br />8. LYNWOOD ACRES II - DIVISION OF LOT 1 - PRELIMINARY PLAN <br />To .approve the Preliminary Plan contingent upon the developer <br />providing a vicinity map on the Final Plat. <br />9. TORAIN ESTATES - PRELIMINARY PLAN <br />To approve the Preliminary Plan with the following conditions: <br />(1) Indicate adjacent property owners and/or adjoining subdi- <br />visions to the east and west of the site. <br />(2) Renumber the lots as ~1 and #2 and delete references to Lots <br />A, S and C. <br />(3) Indicate total acreage of the property. <br />(4) Indicate any existing structures on the plan. <br />lb. DATE AND.LOVIE PARRISH MINOR SUBDIVISION - PARTIAL WIDTH R W <br />To approve the minor subdivision for Date and Lovie Parrish. <br />11. CLASS A ROAD - PHYLLIS ARNOLD MINOR SUBDIVISION <br />To approve the request for a Class A private road to serve the new <br />one (1) acre lvt of Phyllis Arnold for approval. <br />12. RECLASSIFICATION OF UAKER LAKE AND GRAHAM-MESANE WATERSHEDS <br />To adopt a resolution of support as stated below: <br />RESOLUTION <br />A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE RECLASSIFICATION OF QUAKER LAKE AND GRAHAM- <br />MEBANE WATERSHEDS FROM WS -III TO WS-I <br />WHEREAS, the North Carolina Environment Management Commission proposes to <br />adopt and implement new descriptive classifications for water supply water- <br />sheds to provide more appropriate protection for surface water supplies used <br />as a raw water source for drinking water; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Graham has petitioned the North <br />Carolina. Environmental Management Commission to reclassify the Quaker Lake <br />and proposed Graham-Mebane Reservoir watersheds from WS-III to WS-I; and <br />WHEREAS, Orange County supports a comprehensive water supply watershed <br />management program throughout the County including the Back Creek Reservoir <br />Watershed Critical Area Treatment program; <br />NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Board of County Commissioners of <br />orange County supports the resolution requesting the reclassification of <br />Quaker Lake watershed and proposed Graham-Mebane Watershed from WS-III to <br />WS-I. <br />Adapted this the 17th day of June, 1986. <br />13. BUDGET AMENDMENTS <br />To approve a budget amendment to the 1985-86 Budget Ordinance to <br />establish EMS-Air Ambulance (In-Flight) budget as follows: <br />Appropriation - EMS - Air Ambulance $ 33,737 <br />Source -- N.C. Memorial Hospital $ 33,737 <br />