Orange County NC Website
~~ <br />RESOLUTION <br />ORANGE COUNTY DEMOCRATIC PARTY CONVENTION <br />APRIL 5, ].986 <br />4. WHEREAS, the 1.985 Orange County Democratic Party Platform state <br />:hat: "All elected officials, and appointed officials in high policy making <br />positions should be required to annually disclose significant property or <br />business holdings, or disclose sources of income which may reasonably affect <br />their judgment in office"; and, <br />WHEREAS, other jurisdictions, in fast growing areas of North <br />Carolina, including Guilford County, Wake County, Raleigh, Charlotte, and <br />Durham have ethics policies or are considering their adoptions; and, <br />WHEREAS, a stiff conflict of interest code in Guilford County <br />(requested by Guilford officials and enacted by the N.C. legislature in <br />1974) has worked well for Guilford county Commissioners; and, <br />WHEREAS, the potential for conflict of interest by public officials <br />in Orange. County is increasing because of rapid development in the area. <br />BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Orange County Board of Commissioners be <br />urged to request the N.C. State Legislature to enact a code of ethics for <br />members of the orange County Board of Commissioners. This code should <br />provide for complete disclosure of real property holdings in Orange County <br />and ownership interests in firms doing business with Orange County. Board <br />members should be required to disqualify themselves for voting on any matter <br />involving any ownership interest. <br />VOTE: AYES, 4; NOES, 1 (Commissioner Lloyd). <br />6. GOVERNOR'S HIGHWAY PROGRAM PROPOSAL <br />Motion was made by Chair Willhoit, seconded by Commissioner <br />Marshall to oppose the transfer of funds from the State General <br />Fund to the Highway Fund until such time the State is able to <br />meet its obligations to local government and its' mandates it <br />has already provided and meet its commitments to education. <br />VOTE: AYES, 3; NOES, 2 (Commissioners Lloyd and Walker) <br />7. ALERT CABLE RE UEST FOR EXPANSION OF FRANCHISE SERVICE AREA <br />Joe Surles spoke in support of his request for an amendment to the <br />Gable TV Franchise in which the restriction which permits. it to serve only <br />those homes which were connected to Alert's system would be amended to <br />remove this restriction sv that it may provide service generally to the <br />citizens of Orange county. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Lloyd, seconded by Commissioner <br />Carey to reestablish the Cable Television Citizen Advisory Committee to <br />review the Alert Cable TV service area expansion request and to draft <br />specific standards by which an amendment may be considered by the Board. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br />8. TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT PLAN <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner <br />Marshall to approve the Transportation Development Plan as presented by the <br />County Manager. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS. (Chair willhoit was out of the room) <br />9. HOMESTEAD HIGHLANDS PRELIMINARY PLAN <br />Marvin Collins presented for consideration of approval the <br />?reliminary Plan for Homestead Highlands. Piedmont Atlantic Inc. has <br />requested approval of a subdivision for 47.19 acres of land located off <br />Homestead Road (SR 1177) to permit construction of a seventy-eight (78) lot <br />subdivision to be developed in three phases. The Planning Board recommended <br />approval with the attachment of ten (10) conditions. <br />