Minutes - 19860617
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19860617
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~~ <br />effects the plant could have upon the-general health, safety, and welfare of <br />the citizens of Orange County; and <br />WHEREAS, the ten-mile evacuation planning zone is predicated on a Loss of <br />^oolant Accident rather than a "worst case scenario" and the Chernobyl <br />iuclear disaster indicates the need to restudy the size of the evacuation <br />:Manning zone; and <br />rJHEREAS, prompt notification of events that may endanger citizens is crucial <br />to implementation of effective emergency plans; and <br />WHEREAS, independent monitoring of the environs of the plant would help to <br />reassure citizens that the plant was operating properly; and <br />WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners wishes to express its grave concern to <br />the Governor, the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the Federal Emergency <br />Management officials, and Carolina Power and Light over the potential <br />hazardous effects a nuclear power plant and its byproducts may have upon <br />Orange County citizens; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE YT RESOLVED by the Orange County Board of commissioners <br />that in the interests of protecting the general health, safety, and welfare <br />of its citizens, the Board does hereby request the appropriate authorities <br />institute the following safety measures prior to any licensing, loading, <br />activation, and operation of the Shearon Harris Nuclear Plant: <br />1. That the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Federal Emergency <br />Management Agency extend the required emergency evacuation zone to include <br />orange county and that the orange County Emergency Communications center b-e <br />included in the automatic ringdown system, <br />2. that Carolina Power and Light and State Emergency Management <br />officials assist orange County emergency Management in preparing and testing <br />the evacuation and notification plan subsequent to its approval by the Board <br />of Commissioners, <br />3. That Carolina Power and Light be required to enter a.nto an agree- <br />ient with an independent qualified research agency to provide both baseline <br />:;end post plant start-up data on air quality in the area. The University of <br />~~rTorth Carolina at Chapel Hill would be an ideal body to regularly gather, <br />monitor, and publicly and independently report the results of air quality <br />testing to the appropriate federal and state regulatory agencies, the <br />Carolina Power and Light, and local government officials. <br />4. That Carolina Power and Light be requested to do a study for con- <br />version of the Shearon Harris Nuclear Plant to nonnuclear fuel use and that <br />this study be made available to the general public. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Orange County Board of Commissioners that the <br />Board fully recognizes the potential monetary costs involved in accomplish- <br />ing the aforementioned steps; however, the Board feels these costs are <br />insignificant when compared with the potential losses that might occur as a <br />result of a nuclear accident. <br />AND, BE TT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Orange County Board of Commissioners in- <br />tends to establish a "blue-ribbon" task force to advise on development of an <br />appropriate emergency response plan for orange County. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br />5~ FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE BY COUNTY OFFICIALS <br />Commissioner Walker presented information on this item adding that <br />all elected officials, appointed officials and county appointees to all <br />3oard and Commissions should be required to complete a financial disclosure <br />statement. <br />Commissioner Marshall concurred in that all holdings should be <br />revealed by every Commissioner. Commissioner Carey spoke in support of a <br />policy which would include all the elected officials but not the appointed <br />
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