Orange County NC Website
., ~ . <br />Page 2 <br />Coherent Resource Conservation Program and Resource Re ords. <br />Responsible for developing a coherent resource conservation program <br />encompassing all of the county's land preservation activities, and for keeping <br />the records and developing GIS maps documenting the preserved areas. The <br />department would take the lead in identifying natural resources tv be <br />protected and conserved, and would coordinate the conservation of resources <br />recommended by other departments, such as Recreation and Parks. <br />Staff Suaoort for Relevant Boars and Conunissions. Provision of <br />administrative, technical and professional support to the Board of <br />Commissioners, Commission for the Environment, Water Resources Committee, <br />Historic Freservation Commission, and committees related to environmental <br />protection and the conservation of natural and historical resources . This <br />would include support for the formation of a Land trust, if one is formed. It <br />would also include support for the Shaping Orange County's Future Task Force, <br />perhaps as a joint effort with the Planning Department. <br />Staff Suonort for Implementation of Relevant Crdinances. This <br />function would need further discussion, but the department probably would <br />provide staff support for the implementation of appropriate ordinances such <br />as the Environmental Impact Ordinance. <br />Liaison with Atz ro~riate Departments and Agencies. This department <br />should closely coordinate its activities with the Planning Deparment. <br />Staff <br />Staffing would be similar in quantity to that suggested for the Planning <br />Deparment division, but the focus gad expertise of the staff would differ. Costs <br />should be similar to forming a separate division in the Planning Department. <br />Full time planner -Department Head (level of expertise probably Plainer III} <br />Full time planner (probably Planner II? <br />Part time G1S staff person gad some clerical assistance. <br />In terms of existing staff, the changed focus of this resource <br />conservation effort and the intent to include environmental protection would <br />make David Stanch a core person, considering his background and current <br />activities as an environmental planner. He could also finish his responsibili- <br />ties concerning Shaping Orange County's Future. Une of the current GIS <br />staffers, Miriam Coleman or Beth McFarland, would also be appropriate. F~azily <br />Cameron would no longer be central in this configurarion, and the subdivision <br />concept plans gad landscaping functions would seem more appropriate in <br />Current Planning where they should remain. Other staff would be discussed. <br />Implemen[ation <br />The commissioners would approve the formation of the new department <br />in principle, following the proposal given above, and direct the staff to <br />formulate appropriate wording for the Goals and Objectives and also for an <br />implementing resolution. The goats and resolution would be approved by the <br />commissioners at the June 2 regular meeting. The actual staffing of the <br />department and other details of bringing it into existence would occur <br />according to a time schedule and guidelines developed and approved later by <br />the staff and commissioners. <br />