Agenda - 06-22-1998 - 9d
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-22-1998
Agenda - 06-22-1998 - 9d
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Last modified
7/8/2010 12:36:56 PM
Creation date
7/8/2010 12:36:55 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes - 19980622
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3 <br />MEMORANDUM <br />To: Board of Commissioners and Manager <br />From: Alice Gordon <br />Subject: PROPC+SED REVISION TO COMMISSIONERS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES <br />Date: May 25,1.998 <br />CATEGORY: Resources Frotect}on and Development <br />GOAL: Natural Resource Protection (page 3 ) <br />TASK: Evaluate "Resource Gonservation" as a separate division in the <br />Planning Department to give the function identity and a higher profile. <br />According to the Revised Milestones for evaluating Resource <br />Conservation as a function of county government, the commissioners are <br />supposed to make a decision about this function. in June 1998. Instead of <br />establishing a new division of the Planning Department, I recommend that the <br />commissioners establish a new Environment an Resource Conservation <br />De~tment to oversee the county's activities in the areas of environmental <br />protection and resource conservation. <br />ENVIRONMENT' AND RESOURCE CONSERVATION DEPARTMENT <br />Ratio#tale <br />The county commissioners have already recognized that resource <br />conservation should have a distinct identity and a higher profile in county <br />government. This separate function has been analyzed in the Technical <br />Report entitled Pre~ervatlon a Function of Local Governmen Orange <br />County, April 1997. Using this report as a foundation but revising some of the <br />concepts in the report, the commissioners should establish a new department <br />to implement this function to give it the focus and resources it needs. <br />Over the past decade the Planning Department has added a number of <br />resource conservation activities and support for new advisory boards which in <br />other jurisdictions are sometimes handled by a separate department. Also, the <br />commissioners have discussed other initiatives, such as acquiruag conserva- <br />tion easements or acquiring school park sites, which do not have enough <br />county support to allow successful implementation. We need a comprehensive <br />resource conservation program to protect land resources such as significant <br />forests, farms, and historic sites Orange County should also protect its other <br />important resources, such as air and water. All of these efforts should be <br />centralized in a new department. <br />Functions/Duties (compare with page 3-7 of the Technical Report) <br />Environmental Protection, Responsible for the county's efforts in the <br />area of environmental protection, including protection of air quality, water <br />resources, land and other resources, as stated in the county's current goals and <br />objectives and as stated in the charge to the Commission for the Environment. <br />~d Acquisition and Related Activities. Responsible for conservation- <br />related land acquisition, conservation easements, transfer of development <br />rights and purchase of development rights and similar programs related to <br />natural resource conservation, farmland preservation and conservation of <br />cultural, historical and archaeological resources. It would be advantageous to <br />have expertise in this area for snxart negotiation of land purchases/easements. <br />
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