Agenda - 06-22-1998 - 8x
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-22-1998
Agenda - 06-22-1998 - 8x
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Last modified
8/14/2015 11:48:42 AM
Creation date
7/8/2010 12:00:53 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes - 19980622
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evaluation are attachments to these minutes on pages . The <br />private roads are justified through open space protection, lower density than <br />the maximum allowed, and the subdivision's location in a protected <br />watershed. <br />The Planning Staff recommends approval of the Preliminary Plan for MTK <br />Development with public and private roads according to the conservation <br />option of flexible development and the conditions contained in the <br />Resolution of Approval (an attachment to these minutes on pages ). <br />Barrows asked about access for the new lots 24 and 25. Cameron <br />responded that lot 24 will access Ritz Way and lot 25 will access Yates <br />Road. Cameron continued that only lots 20 and 25 will access Yates Road. <br />Barrows continued, asking about item #5 in the Resolution of Approval <br />which states that further subdivision may require upgrade of roads. She <br />noted that part of the justification for private roads was larger lots and the <br />applicant had indicated that there would be no further subdivision. <br />Cameron stated that with this on record, it would make anyone looking at <br />the recorded plat would know that further subdivision would require road <br />upgrades. <br />Price stated that she felt including the statement help to ensure or a double <br />check to assure it remains as a private road. She felt without this statement <br />in the resolution, the opportunity may be there for further subdivision. <br />Brooks asked if the statement of no further subdivision would be <br />included in the covenants and Cameron agreed that it would. <br />Allison asked if there are any issues related to siting a building because of <br />the ATT 100 -foot right -of -way which may be reduced by ATT later this <br />year to 33 feet. Cameron responded that ATT had indicated that later this <br />summer the right -of -way will be reduced to 33 -feet. She continued that <br />building and septic setbacks can be met with the 100 -foot right -of -way; <br />building on this lot is not contingent upon the reduction of the right -of -way. <br />Brooks asked the open space. Cameron responded that it is being called <br />conservation area and there will be stream buffers and setbacks. <br />Selkirk asked if there was a flowing stream or a wet weather stream. The <br />response was that it is flowing. <br />MOTION: Searles moved approval as recommended by the Planning Staff. Seconded <br />by Selkirk. <br />VOTE: Unanimous. <br />10 (2) Charles Woods Subdivision, Phases 3 and 4 <br />(Eno Township - 20 Lots) <br />Presentation by Eddie Kirk. <br />The property is located off the east side of Dumont Drive (SR 1595) in Eno <br />Township. It is zoned AR and L- ENO-PW and designated Agricultural <br />14 ' <br />
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