Minutes - 19860505
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19860505
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8/14/2008 12:24:45 PM
Creation date
8/13/2008 12:48:10 PM
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~~~ <br />Further consideration of this item will be held at noon on <br />Friday a,n the Orange County Board of Education meeting room. <br />9. NCDOT TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM <br />Motion ~ was made by Commissioner Marshall, seconded by <br />Commissioner Lloyd to endorse the priorities as listed by the <br />municipalities and to include the widening of Lystra Road as requested by <br />Chatham County and the widening of US 70 Bypass from NC 86 to Lawrence <br />Road. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br />COMMENTS ON THE CONDITIONS FOR SCOTSWOOD <br />Planner Susan Smith noted that the Planning Board recommended denial <br />of the rezoning because the applicant did not fulfill the application <br />requirement for addressing the manner in which the request would carry <br />out the intent of the Land Use Plan and because of two (2) negative <br />findings relating to method and adequacy of vehicle access to the site <br />and traffic conditions around the site. The Planning Board further found <br />that General standard #1 which relates to public health, safety. and <br />welfare was not satisfied. Forty-two conditions of approval were <br />submitted for consideration by the Board if the project is approved. <br />Commissioner Marshall referred to condition #5 and indicated it relates <br />very closely to #30 and #32. The roads, parking area, walkways, street <br />lines, utilities and recreational facilities sites are boiler plate, but <br />landscaping and mulching around units that should be maintained as <br />constructed is something that should not be required of individuals who <br />buy land and build a house. People do their own landscaping and gardening <br />and should not have to keep it mulched forever and forever. Susan Smith <br />explained the intent of the condition. Shirley Marshall clarified that <br />the landscaping and mulching should be separated out from the roads, <br />parking area, etc., and that requirements regarding what is to be done <br />for the single family houses that the people will buy be addressed in <br />#32. She requested that the condition be modified to read that the <br />landscaping and mulching should only be maintained for the multi-family <br />and the commercial areas. <br />With reference to #30 and #31, Commissioner Marshall stated that <br />grading on the site should be addressed in #30 and in lieu of planted <br />landscaping that existing vegetation shall be maintained between units. <br />She continued that clearing should only be conducted for purposes of <br />installing improvements prior to individuals purchasing their homes. She <br />offered the following wording: "Grading on the site should be kept to a <br />minimum. Existing vegetation should be maintained between units. <br />Clearing should only be conducted for purposes of installing roads, <br />utilities and other improvements until the improvements have been <br />installed and the developer conveys title to the property to the <br />individual property owners purchasing three or fewer lots. Reasonable <br />care should be taken to retain all existing vegetation. Appropriate <br />temporary fencing should be erected at the dripline where there are <br />designated stream and perimeter buffers." She indicated that the <br />developer should abide by #30 until the property is conveyed to the <br />individual owner. <br />Susan Smith clarified that the purpose of the condition. is to have <br />the maximum amount of control aver the disturbance of the property in the <br />development process and not to continue that through the property owner's <br />development of the lot they purchase. It is difficult to set a condition <br />
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