Orange County NC Website
d. Transfer of property that includes rehabilitation requires an appraisal by a <br />qualified appreiser. If rehabilitation is required, the appreised value of the <br />property after rehabilitation cannot exceetl 95% of the metlian area house <br />value. (Note, the property value-not purchase price-must be equal to <br />or less than 95%of median purchase price.) The after rehabilitation <br />value estimate must be completed prior to the invesMent of HOME funtls. <br />2. The Property shall be securetl by a note from OPC to the County and a tleed of <br />trust constituting a fret lien on the each lot of subject Property which deed of <br />trust shall tlesignate the County as the securetl partylbenefciary. The note and <br />tleetl of trust shell be in the form of the tlocuments that are aHachetl to antl a <br />part of this Agreement. <br />3. OPC agrees [o rent the property to a family whose income tloea not exceetl 50% <br />of the area metlian income by family size, as tletenninetl by the U. S. Department <br />of Housing and Urban Development antl as amendetl from time to time. <br />4. Any rental income in excess of the epprovetl rental operations butlget must be <br />returned to Orange County at the end of the July 1 fscal year annually. <br />5. The County and OPC agree to comply wkh the Act, its regulations antl Fetleral <br />Program Requirements in the purchase antl lease of the Property. The County <br />antl OPC further agree to comply with the provisions of the Funtling Agreement, <br />datetl July 1, 1997, attachetl hereto and made a part of this Agreement (Exhibit <br />B). <br />6. Miscellaneous Provisions. <br />a. Termination of Agreement The obligations of Ne parties hereuntler <br />antl the speck obligation of OPC to provide rental housing for low inrgme families <br />shall terminate on December i6, 2017. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the parties <br />hereto may terminate this Agreement at any time by a mutual agreement to that eNecf <br />in writing. <br />b. Oahult, Remetliea. This Agreement may be hrmina[etl by a non- <br />defaulting party upon an event of default hereuntler, after written notice thereof is given <br />giving the defaulting party thirty (30) days in which to cure the default As usetl herein, <br />[he term "an event of default" shall mean antl refer to a breach of any of the terms of <br />this Agreement inclutling a failure to meet the Ome limitations conhinetl in this <br />Agreement and a failure to act as required by this Agreement by eiMer party with <br />respect to any untlertaking, obligation, covenant or contlition as set foM in this <br />Agreement which the defaulting party has not curetl. WRh respect to any event of <br />tlefault, the non-defaulting parry may exercise any right available to k at law or in equhy <br />with respect to such tlefauk. <br />