Orange County NC Website
Senior Citizen Health Promotion Program <br />Grant Project Ordinance <br />Project Number Il-6 )/ <br />Be it ordained by the Orange Cowty Board of Cowt Cormnissiwers Nat pursowt to Seuioo 13 2 of Chapter 159 <br />ofthe General Statutes ofNoM Carolina, the following grwt project is hereby adopted. <br />Secdan 1. This project authorized is Ne Senior Citizen Health Promotion Program ~o develop a comprehensive end <br />coordinated Cowry healU pmmotioo wd disease prevwtioo program for citizens involving a <br />partnership of public agencies, University Health Affairs wd private groups. <br />Section 2. The officers of the Cowry are hereby directed to preued wiN the grant project In auordwce with the <br />mutual woperation agmemwt between Ne County and Ne UNversity of North Carolina al Chapel <br />Hill, es approved by the Board of Cowty Commissioners oo ]we l0, 1999. <br />SceEon 3. The following revenue is wticipeted to be available to wmplete [his project. <br />GrentFwda (1994-95) 532,539 <br />Grent Fonds (1995-96) $3),498 <br />GrentFwds (1996-97) 533,]"19 <br />GrevtFwds Q99'1-98) E52,636 <br />Feea for Servioe (1997-98) &1hB3S <br />lard Revenue fI J1,085 <br />SceEon q. The following amount is appropriated for this projwc <br />Numan Servkes-Senwr Cieizen Hedd Promotion SDt,685 <br />Section 5. The finnce officer is hereby directed to maintain within the Grwt Project sudicient specific detailed <br />accowting records m provide Ne a<cowting to the grwmr agency. <br />Section 6. Fwds may be advwced Gom Ne General Fwd for the puROSe of making payments due. <br />Reimbwsement requests should be made to the grwmr agency in an orderly and timely mwner. <br />Section 7. Copies of Nis grant project ordinance shall be made available to the finance oificec for direction in <br />carrying out this project. <br />Section 8. Positions authorizM dnongh Ws grwt project ordinwce include: <br />t 0 Fu(! Tlme Eguioolenr Senior Hea]rh Publle Fduramr pasifion assorimed with Pois gram pro/err <br />This position is audtorized though Iwe 30, 1998. Subsequem fwding in futw; years is contingem <br />upon Ne availability of grwt fwds. <br />Sertion 9. This oMinwce supersedes all previous "Senior Citizen Health Promotion" Grant Project Ordinances. <br />Sectiw 10. This project, origirelly adopted May 2, 1994 wd subsequemly amended, is in effect through Jwe 30, <br />1998. <br />Adopted [hls 22V° day of ]we 1998. <br />