Orange County NC Website
or on behalf of any person, firm, or corporation arising by reason of injury to person or <br />damage to property occurring in the Leased Premises ocoasioned In whale or in pad by <br />any act on the pad of the TENANT or an employee while @cling within the scope of <br />employment, agent, visdoq assign or undedenant of the Tenant or by reason of any <br />unlawful use of the Leased Premises or any breach, violation or non - performance of any <br />covenant in this lease on the pad of the TENANT to be observed or performed, and also <br />for any Mader or thing growing out of the occupancy or use of the Leased Premises by <br />the TENANT or anyone holding or ciaiming to hold through or under the TENANT. <br />TENANT agrees to pay for all damages to the building as well as all occupants thereof, <br />caused by Tenants misuse or neglect of said Leased Premises, its appa2tus or <br />appurtenances. COUNTY Shall not be liable to TENANT for any damage by or from any <br />act or negligence of any co- tenant of other occupant of the building or by any owner or <br />occult of adjoining continuous property. <br />11. Fire or other casualty. <br />In the event the building in which the Leased Premises are located is destroyed <br />by fire, unavoidable accident or casualty, this lease shall thereupon terminate. <br />In the event the building in which the Leased Premises are located is damaged <br />by fire, unavoidable accident or casualty to such an extent that in County's opinion, the <br />portion of said building in which the Leased Premises are specifically located cannot be <br />repaired within ninety (90) days to it's approximate condition existing immediately <br />receding such fire, unavoidable accident or casualty , this lease shall thereupon <br />terminate. <br />In the event the portion of has building in which the Leased Premises are <br />specifically located damaged by fire, unavoidable accident, or casualty and the same ca <br />be retained within ninety (90) days from the date of such fire, unavoidable accident or <br />casualty , the parties hereto agree that said Leased Premises shall be repaired and <br />restored by COUNTY to the approximate condifon of said Leased Premises existing <br />before said fire, unavoidable accident or casualty, and this lease shall remain in full <br />force and effect ) provided, however that the rent during the period of repair be reduced <br />to an amount which, in County's opinion, bears the same ratio to the rent provided for <br />herein as the portion of the Leased Premises then available for use bears to the entire <br />Leased Premises. Upon completion of such repairs the rent shall thereafter be paid as <br />provided for herein as the portion of the Leased Premises then available for use bears <br />to the entire Leased Premises. Upon completion of such repairs the rent shall thereafter <br />be paid as Provided in the paragraph above designated °Rent'. <br />12. DefauT <br />In the event the Tenant shall fail to pay any rent when due in accordance with <br />the terms of this lease or do or fail to do any other thing, condition, covenant or <br />requirement of this lease, and such default shall continue for a period of thirty, (30) days <br />after written notice delivered to TENANT at the Leased Premises of such default, the <br />COUNTY, without prejudice to any other rights or remedies that it may have, shall have <br />the right, immediately or at any time thereafter, to reenter the Leased Premises and <br />remove all persons and property from the Leased Premises. in the event the TENANT <br />shall neglect to keep or perform any other covenant, agreement or condition of this <br />lease or shall fail to conform to any of the building rules and regulations now in force or <br />