Orange County NC Website
me <br />Building Policies i June, 1998 <br />The following building policies are in place as a condition of the lease executed between Orange <br />County and Tenants who Occupy County facilities. <br />1. The sidewalks, enhances, hallways, elevators and s urearys shall not be obstructed by any <br />tenant or used by them for any purpose otherthan for ingress or egress. <br />2. If the building In which the leased premises is located has In it conference rooms, auditoriums, <br />gymnasiums, gymahpiums, meeting ooms, etc., their use may be scheduled through the <br />County or its appropriate designate. Tenants may Schedule the use of any such facilities Only <br />forthe use of Meer agency order individuals or groups must contact the County directly to <br />schedule use of the facwties. <br />3. Fees, if any, for use of conference rooms, auditoriums, gymnasiums, gymnaOiums, meeting <br />rooms etc shall be Charged pursuant to rde County's Fatalities Fee Policy In effect at Me lame <br />reservations are matte. The Facilities Fee Polity undergoes modifications from time to time <br />Potential users should periodicity Deck with the County to determine wheMer changes In the <br />polity have been made. <br />0. The Tenant shall not Install additional locks on any opera in Me leeced premises without the <br />written consent of the County . In addition, no duplicate keys Shall be made or obtained <br />through any source except for the County . <br />5. The Tenant shell not make improper noises or disturbances of any kind, sing, play or operate <br />usiGl Instruments, radio or television or any machines or devices In such a fashion as may <br />be deemad by Me County to interfere word other occupants &Me building. <br />6. The Tenant may instill winds trades, blinds, carades and/or urtains subject to the <br />County's approval of Me meMW of Instellamon, Including hanging hardware and color and <br />texture of any such window coverings. <br />7. To ensure public Sakry for tenants and clents who may frequent Me County facility, Tenants <br />shall net <br />• Kaep animals or birds on Me premises, with the exception of assist animals had a rig eye dogs . <br />far example)', <br />Allow bicycles or similar vehicles In the building, <br />Three anyt hing through the windows or down stairways: <br />Leave the premises unoccupied wiMwt ticking all does, extinguishing lights and turning off <br />water outlets, <br />• Install w operate Adding machines of any kind without Me written consent of the County <br />use the premises for lodging rooms, gambling or any immoral purpose: <br />Open windows while air commending system Is op rmiing: <br />• Keep flammable materiels on Me premises without Me written permission of the County. Any <br />such machines, if approved by the County, shall be kept in an appropriate looking. fimproof <br />area <br />Make adjustments in heatingtair conditioning controls, plumbing apparel eacMCal adul <br />and equipment. Windows and doors. Tenant shall Immediately notify the County of <br />adjustments which need ro be made. <br />Install any anchorage, supporting or braang devises Into floor, wall Auditors M ceilings. The <br />Tenant shall notiy me County in the event such devises are needed. <br />Cook or obstruct any enhances or waits, including fire exits. <br />8. The possession , selling or consumption of alcoholic beverages or Illegal drugs is strictly <br />prohibited on County property - This Includes both building and grounds. <br />9. The Tenant shall observe and cause their cllenta employees or other Invitees to observe any <br />Couny regulations which may be In place for County Buildings and which regulations shall Ce <br />posted on or around Me building. Examples Include no smoking In buildings, no solicitation, <br />no firearms in buildings, etc. <br />