Orange County NC Website
orange cennry <br />Board of Commiuioners <br />Dafe: June 22, 1998 <br />Acfian Ageuda <br />Item No ~-fe <br />Sabjeef: Renewal Agreement-TOWn of Hillabarovgh Eire lnapecfians <br />Department: Emergency Management Public Hearing Vm~ No® <br />AHaehmentjs): luforme[ian COOtaeL Nick Walels <br />p Renewal Agreement Extension Number: 3030 <br />Telephone Number: <br />Hillsburougb T32-8181 <br />Lapel Hill 968-4501 <br />Mebane 336-227-2031 <br />~mbam 68g-)331 <br />PurpOaC To comitlerrcnewing,he exining agreemrntbnween Orange County and Ne TOwo of HilLSbomupf,, <br />whereby Covnry persormel perrorm Shre mantlaletl fire impediom on behall e(Ne Town. <br />Background: In Novembeq 1991, Orange Cowry m,d Ne Town ofHillsborough rn[ercd inw an agrcemrn[ <br />,ha, pwvitlea for county Iva irtv'pecwrs w contlud Sfate mmtlmea lire inapeclions of fecililiv in the iown'a <br />jurisdinion Net are suhjen [o perioNC inspenian. The Towv pays Ne County forperfon,unce of[hose <br />impmtions agvnzt invoice prepued in azcordence wiN Ne County's fee xhetlule ror! inspxians. <br />In diuussiorts in May 1996, Ne Cowry and Towo agrtN w mnlinue Nis artangemrn[ Ihwugh lone 199]. The <br />lentwu fonhe Town of HillsWwugM1 wmke an ib own 6re'mspec[ians az of July 1,199]. In lung 199"1, <br />Ne Town nelifetl Ne County Wa[ i[hatl hen uosvocessPol in making artangements to pmvitle for is <br />wn! inspegions program. The TOVm rtquesrtd Nm Ne County consider exmvding Ne exiaing! <br />nspeclions agreemem un[il June J0. 1998, aed Ne Beatl of Commissiones agrees to Ne regneat <br />The Town haz a frc inspmwq wbo Fss worked wiN and undenhe supervision of the County's mspedors <br />far Ne pu[year. The Tawn lnspttrorbm been to schmland baz mevhe eligibility rtqu'vemeolwles[ <br />forcenif¢a[ion. The inspecwrwill ml in Ne nex[ (ew momhe. The Town Fss rcquezled Ne e®eemrn[ <br />wlN the Covnry hax¢ndetl wtll Ne TOwo's lospeuor achiwes wrti! lino antl is able to inap¢cl <br />intlependrn[ly The popoeM connact rovm Ne PeriM Through lung 1999, ben i[ u pxisible Na[Ne Town of <br />Hillsboroupp may be eblewuke on in owv Lwellmspediom before Nen if The Town inapenar obmins <br />cMifwTion. The connen comwun m provide Jmube Town wiltreimburse Ne Coonry for TM1e cwt of all <br />inspzTioos iv acwNmTwwiO Ne Ceanryl current feewhedola, antl Na[Ne Town will pay Ne Coonry an <br />amTUeliutl arrow[ of 55,000 m atltli[ion [a Nwe rtimbnnemenls. <br />Re¢ommeode[ioo: The Mawga recommends Nal Ne BOartl approve Ne renewal agrremem and auNOrve Ne <br />ChavT sign. <br />