Orange County NC Website
RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT <br />FOR THE GOVERNOR'S <br />SMART START INITIATIVE <br />WHEREAS, the GovemodsSmart Sna inihadvewas aeacedmprovWe rhAdreo and tbeu lemllies wloh the <br />r m« they need m eno-tschool h«Id;y and t«dy ro Ica..,, ao rbat they may succeed and be <br />productive members of society; and, <br />WHEREAS, the Smart Snrt progam has cmzred m e than 35,000 new c611d rzm oprnings and has <br />pvwided funds m help oven 5400D lawetincome childen receive day can; aid, <br />WHEREAS, Smaa Sna hu provided more than 100,000 Noah Wrolirta children with highm gmbry ehild <br />vu 9],000 chlldan w1A prevevdve heahh cave and 26,000 child Lore aaehas whb <br />ea~~annrt Arta aa;amg: orta, <br />WHEREAS, More dnn 5500 child mre r.ochea have Improved oheb machings4ills rhmnph eduradon and <br />a minx thanks m Smart Bna's leacher Edocadon and Compertsaoen Helps (TEAC H.) <br />pmgmm, artd. <br />WHEREAS, Eadlec d~k yeeq the Nordt Csmllna Gertenl Assembly passed le~slamn chac ptovlded sacra <br />ompmLensla heahh Insumna ro ] t,OW chlldan of wodmp Gmilw ss pea of Bmaa <br />sn~ sad, <br />WHEREAS, Omnge County is one of 55 muvdc mawide m beaeBV !rom enhanced health ran child <br />cue and educational oppoaunities ptovlded by the Smart Sna loitiativp and, <br />WHEREAS, Govemot Hunt has asked the Novth Carolina General Assembly far $5] million to «pand <br />sman sna m every tnnnry m the ans. <br />NOW, THEAEPOAE. BE 12 RESOLVED that the Onn¢e County Board o! CommLslmers, noes hereby <br />egress m support fm the Smart Snrt Esdr Childhood health and edumtional program, anti <br />i umges members of the Noah CBmbm General Assembly w demonsaaa theh mppoa by <br />passrtivg die Govemola request m e.pertd Smaa Snas[amw'e. <br />This, the twenrysecond day oqune, 1998. <br />Margaret W. Brown, Chvr Saphen H. HaINor6, Vice Chak <br />Orange County Board of CommLulorters <br />Moses Carey WillumLGowther <br />Alice M. Gordon <br />