Orange County NC Website
9. Items [or Decision--Regular Agenda <br />a. 1998-99 Budgeq Capital, and Grant Project Ordinances (8:15-8:45) <br />b. Professional Services Contract between Orange Cowry Tax Department and Smdennaw <br />Consulting Services Ino., dMa SCS Direst Mail Mmketivg (8:45-9:00) <br />c. HOME Progam Development Ageement~cmlen Drive (9.00-9:15) <br />d Proposal to Potm a New Envimmvent and Resource Conservation Deplsrtmem (9:15-9:30) <br />e. Election of Orwga Cowty Comrvissioners in District Elections (9:30-9:45) <br />P. Disposition of Chapel Hill-Cevboro Clry 3cbvvls Property (9:45-9:55) <br />I0. Reports <br />a. Dpdete ov Tovmship Residevae of Cowry Commissioners (9:55-10:00) <br />Il. Appaivtmevta <br />12. Minutes <br />13. Closed Seuion -"TO establish the Cowty's position and to instruct Ne Cowry Manager wd the <br />Cowry Anomey ov the negotiating position regarding [he terms of a contract ro purchaze real <br />property;' NWS § 143-318.11(a)(5) (1000-) <br />14. Adjouwmwt <br />Nwe' Access the ogeMOiWOV88 tM COUruyi web.rim.www.eo, e~reuian3/ISfora <br />+ecwdin8 JtM1e agenda lremr <br />Lune lB, 1998 <br />E90M <br />