Orange County NC Website
8. Items for Bectaiols--COneeof Agenda (7:55-8:15) <br />a. Appointments <br />b. Minutes <br />c. Renewal Agreement--Tram of Hillsborough Fue [nspeeriosu <br />d. Lease Approval--0edar Grove2Fland Cheeks Family Reaonme Center; Notthem Human <br />Services Caner, Cedar prove, NC <br />e. Budget Ordir~m~ce Amrndmmtgll <br />f Empbyee Assisrance Program Convact Renewal <br />g. Petition for Addition--Wagon Farm Road and Wagon Parm Court in Cheeks Township <br />h. HOME hogrem-OPC Acquisition Progam <br />Housing Rehabilimtion Convact Awed <br />j. Amendmens to Orengz Regional Landfill Tipping Fae Schaoula <br />k. Personnel Ordinance Revision-Lining Wage <br />I. Audit Contract for dre June 30, 199g Fiscal Yeaz <br />m Fiaed Auer Capitalivadan Policy <br />n. Propetty Tax ReAmds/R.elease <br />o. CIPP Gram Acceptance FY 1998-99 <br />µ Lease Rmewats-NUtribon Sites: Day Caa Sites <br />q- Pyro4etmlos Parinit--Abundant Lif Chnreh <br />PYtotechrrics Permit-Orange County Speedway <br />s. Contatt Renewal--Jail MCdical Services <br />t. Leave Renewal--EFlmd Rescue Unit Building <br />u. Contract Renewal--Property Management Services(501 WestFmNdin Sweet <br />v. Lease Renewal--Community School for Paple Under Six <br />w. Field View-Preliminary Plan <br />x. Chazles'WOOds Subdivision Phaves3and4-Preliminay Plan <br />y. MTK DevelopmentPrclvninery Plan <br />z. Ordinmces Designating Local Hiswdc Landmarks <br />aa. Cominuation Agreement Between UNC Hospimis and Orange County for the S mloc Wellness <br />Pmgmm <br />bb. Tramsportanon Agreemnt with South Orange EMS and Rescue Squad, Inc. <br />u. Orange County Xarlway Conrrect Renewal <br />dd. Hmne and Community Care Black Gant <br />ee. Training Contract with th<Cenmr foe Employment <br />tf. Agreement between Orange County asM Nonhen, Blue, Aooks, Thibaut. Aridetson and Woods, <br />L L.P. for Legal Services <br />gg. Agreement between Orange County and UNC Hospitals for Medicaid Caseworkers <br />F.IDtedooal Agreement with Town of Cbapcl HIII-PV[ Share of Goes of 0[5 Products and <br />Services <br />~. North Caroline Division of Emergency Management Gran[Award <br />jj. Smart Start Grant-Infant Home Visitation <br />Ium Ill, 1998 <br />3139M <br />