Orange County NC Website
a <br /> The Comty Engi�eer and the Orenge Cowry Persomcl Depertment ere continuing the pmass <br /> of seeking w intem m couduc[a�eld survey of�he Ro6ers Roed veighbo�Aood The purpase of • <br /> me sorvey is w: <br /> I. az urarely 1«ate or venfy locafiaas of exisfing smicwres and buildings on exisiing propeny <br /> paml meps a�d aenal phomgraphy maps; <br /> 2. derermim wlticA svucNres have been, are or can be owupied and Nus yuim wa�er service; <br /> md <br /> 3. survry residents ro determice the �uenber and wciocconomic stams of occupents of each <br /> b�ilding as may be requved w help dete�mine the extmi of in economic s�avus related <br /> expenditwe ofpublic hnefi�s fm iMividuel srnire [ees end O��bing cascs. <br /> The iucem will cooedinate Itis or hu activi[ies wi�h the Cowry 2ngineeq Irye Flwsivg end <br /> Commwiry �evelopmeu[ Uiracmr, neighbovhood residenis, and commwity eotivlsts. TM Oeld <br /> survey a�d dara compilefion process is ertimated w take approximatety fve weeks, a period, <br /> wNch will rommena upon the hinn6 of[he inlem. A sxond rowd of advetlising for Ne inrem <br /> position is curten�ty wde�way. <br /> The Cowry M1as previously advanced various alremative formulas IDr stiering the cos�s of <br /> commwiry beneti�s. TAe mwioipalities have made it dear Mat tliey believa the Cowry shodd <br /> firunce thou wmmwtity beneEts, if eny, which ca�no� be fuvded HvougA LOG resowces. I <br /> believe just es strongly tAat the Boerd of Commissioners should mt be espec[N m wderwrim <br /> the fWl emt of nomLOG fivWed bmefits. The mwicipalitiea have reisN wvicems about what <br /> �hey pemeive av the issue of double tacatioa I meiomiu @af then vre rev<nue soorco,mch • <br /> cevt eald tazea(which are d'utribured baak ro the Counry vnd Towoa ou �he baeis of <br /> <aehS populetiou),that�ould be employed mwg an agreed upau rost diaMbutioo formola, <br /> autl would mf ronstiwte double taxafion. The anached spreadvh«t provides e�erample of a <br /> cost ailocation based on pevi ceplu fortnda(sales t�e disvibu0on}' <br /> PerLaps Ihe Cowty and 2owns willjust Aave�o agee�o disagree ovev�his point If so, I would <br /> suggeet that we re v broaA iohrprelafion of how heoe0b relahd [o wvfer line <br /> exbvaiona roultl be funtletl tFrough LOG revaurces. BoN Cartboro Toxm Anomey Mike <br /> BrougA� and Counry Attomey�eof GleMill' reviewed Ihis aOP��cM1 In repork in OctobCt 199"!. <br /> The fo�mee reixd the"msiuv�ce Weory" and �he laner discusud fwdi�g benefi[s in light of�e <br /> possibility thet gowdwamr s�pplies ro levdfll mighbon could become conmmiwced at mme <br /> poine in �he fumre. PMimirury esimaies of the wst m Orovide wazer smi« m �he 119 <br /> households in Ne Itlsmnc Rogers Roed nrighborAood is $840,500`. Tnis amowt cao reasovably <br /> be bome [IVOUgh existing Imdfill mserves anNOr an imreave in plvuied ellocetio� m rhose <br /> rese..�es in[m.e yeers. � <br /> mw�n em.n�.m,�HUn,..a�,e,is�e. <br /> �rco. Nioeummmaywuweoveofnme�mmae: eeaumrvngrvb�at¢ainingtmamm.we,�an. <br /> 5am4wnr�yueenniwacccx.� a mup�enurv.�pl�mrswon�nguew�-x..ammme,nam <br /> .m°�rio�amiw,�.�c <br /> - ���n�eRem.w.omvi..s:�yo�ea�.>v.�m.m.o.�.i«�.KU.�ra,omm..a> • <br /> wazkexrvi�eMrcliu�oe��ul,Mryll, W8 <br /> Pnn�ed aelW/9B2'.58PM <br />