Orange County NC Website
, <br /> adopted waste reducfiou goals. Op�iore for mpP�emenfing lipping fce re ere being <br /> • aminN by a LOG subcomminre this summer. This report surtunanus Ne finvmial issues <br /> ewed by Ihat comminee m dare end bviefly wHines �M1e p�mazy re mechanisms <br /> va'ilable. The porenfiel role of `pey per �M1row" - as a mxhe�ism for genereting revevue for <br /> wlleo�ion pro�ams and fov creafing incwtives Cor citizens m reduce �he umounc o[solid waa[e <br /> �hey generare for disposal- is discussed bneFly in tAis report. <br /> Infegralcd 9olid Weste Mauvgement Plm (Section).0) <br /> With aggressive redwrion goals of 45Y by 2001 and 6i%by 2006 in place, end in Ne faze of en <br /> appmacM1iog disposal cM1alleogq it is esswtial that we wdertake full implementetioo of che <br /> owtywiAe solid wazre plen. TAe fremework for�Ae plan was adop�M by all fow govemments <br /> in 199] and foems�he bazis for �he local solid wasre plen formally mbmined m Ne Stem. It hu <br /> been assumed �bat �he Pow member govemmw� remvu commined m these goals and are <br /> williog w commi� rAe mcessary remoses m Neir anaieunrnc A Mamrials Recovery Fazility <br /> (MAF)haz beeu ideutified az Me centupiece of tFe waste reduclion plan. Timdy sitiog desigq <br /> a�d cowwaion o[�Ids feciliry ara esseu�ial ifNe 2001 redacnon target is w rem�n aalisfia. <br /> 2.0 VISION/GOALS <br /> In December 1995, the Board of Cowry Commissio�ers adoptN a se� of 14 solid waste goals. <br /> Ica IAG panvevs subsequautly edopted tAese goals' The vision reflecred iv Nwe goals iucl�ded <br /> • miNmivng wastc gevereaon; coaw.rvir�g resowces; muimivng recycling a�d reuse of <br /> marerials; and disposing of�Ae balance in e� enviroeunenWly sowd, socielly mspowible, and <br /> cost eRective mvmev. <br /> These goals mmvn viable, if the Cowty and its municipal parmers are willing m incw ihe <br /> financial impacts end implamrnt �ha policles oecessary ro achieve ow aggrassiva solid was�e <br /> reduction rwgets. I reeommeod �hv[ �he Baoed review �hese goale vod either aPorm itv <br /> mitmeut ro them ae wriHm, ar ameod them as nmded and eommuoicate any changee <br /> fo Poe municipal governing boarde. <br /> 3.0 COMMONITY BENEFITS <br /> Most of �he fourteen commwity bemfits Aave bcen addressed end implemenred. ihe maa[ <br /> siguificaut cammuuity benefit requiring reeolufion remains M¢scope avtl mN�od ofpaying <br /> for wahr line ahmiom to propertin iu the viciuity of Ihe Eubenkv Rooa lantlfill. WAile <br /> e elm�ed officials Aave indicatN a des've foc a broader scope, recrn�dixussion M1as f«used <br /> u pwsoiog ccmnsions ro tM1e "o-aAiiio�l Rogws ftoad ueighbo�Aood". IAO membe� <br /> govemments M1ave appoivted reprwm�atives to s minee tlat will make <br /> mmenda[iore regerding wNch properties water lin s�shouldabe extended [q avd how Nese <br /> exmnsions shoula be paid. <br /> • 'ca.�r�,�m.�,«=���ae.soxaw�e,.o�xm..w.amx��r.�sss. <br /> - PrinRE'. OBIOfil98i:59PM <br />