Orange County NC Website
1 <br /> VisiodCOale [or 9oliA Wae�e Mauagemwt(Secfion 2.0) <br /> This stttion recaps the solid waste manageme�t mission and goals adopred by the County and • <br /> mwi<ipalifiw several years ago. <br /> Commuoiry ewefih(3ecfian 3 0) <br />� Resolution between �he govemivg boards has been acNeved for most commuNty penefits <br /> proposN by iM1e I,OC/Neighboclwod Wm4ing Group. Many proposel.x luve been implemenred <br /> or are in tAe procws of being implemen[ed. Ilre most challenging issue remaiNng imolves ihe <br /> scope and fieuncing for provision of wazer lines m neighborhoods in the aicwty of vhe Eube�s <br /> RoedlandFlll. <br /> Govemance/1Nauagamantluva (3ection4_0) <br /> Recent discussion Aas focuud on rAe mncepts of eiiM1er Ovange Cowty or Chapel Hill asswning <br /> Pop respovsibiliry for mlid wazre menagement end govemance; or some Aybnd of that appmach, <br /> sooM1 v Chapel Hill contlouiug to opem¢fie cwrmt IeMfill end Ne Cowty plmninq [oe and <br /> operazing all Potme facili[ies. The amsmnding solid weete iseun - who mako poliey eod <br /> haw; sifing and dcNOpmeot o(fsdliHee; aotl loauciog of Incilitia end operafioss; amovg � <br /> ofhm -mmf be revolved regordles� of rvhieh gwemmmt servn a intl �grnq for aolid <br /> warh menagemene LOG fwdN sWF have been awvoing a detertnirefiov of �heir funve • <br /> employer and employmmt itams tluoughout govemana discussiore Nis pest ycar. In the <br /> inrerescs of reducing Ne'v mcenainry end mderstandable arveiety, resoWion sM1OUId also be <br /> rcached soon about�heir porenvial trznsftt ro Cowty gwemment. <br /> FuNre SotiO Wvste Procesvu antl Faeilitin(Sec�ion SO) �, <br /> Impottant decisiore nttd m be made in ihe near mrm cegerding sifing om or mo�e solid wazm ��, <br /> pmcessing or disposal fazilities. This repoM1 bneFly reviews the pnmary iss�es relared to: <br /> wicipal solid wane (MSR� disposal optio�, eitAer lendfill aM/ov trensfa stafion; <br /> conshvction aud demolition (CffiD) wasee disposal opfiow; avd a Mamnels R<covery Faciliry <br /> (MR[q. Coneensus has bam tlusive mgeNing anolhev issue dimotly relaWd m eitivg of uceded <br /> solidwasrefacilities-NedispoaitionoftheGreene'IIace This169-acmproperty,join�lyowned <br /> by CAapel Hill, Cenboro, and �he Cowty and origi�ully purchased for [vnue solid wasm nceds, <br /> has been Ne f«al point of ineny compeiing proposals for its ultima[e use. Agreement abou[ i�s <br /> e sooq o en ageemrn[ m postpo�e such a decision m a specified point in ehe fuwrc, is <br /> seutiel m solvmg tM1e chellenges we fece colleetively on boM govemance aM ficiliry sifing <br /> issms. <br /> Fineneiug for FaNre 6olid Waste Fac�iliee eod Oparafione (Sectioo fi0) <br /> lt appeara Ihet waafe retlucfiov prognms can uo longer be fioaured Ihrough tipping fee <br /> eveou alane, if weste rNuatioo targee are ro be aahieveA. Addifionvl revrnoe sourcee • <br /> will beerequiretl [o allow t�e implemenfafion of Ihe prognms requlred attaieieg the <br /> Pnn�eO: 0&4H�98259 GM <br />