Orange County NC Website
19 <br /> • 0.0 SOLID WASTE PLAN IMPLEMENTATION <br /> MTEGRATED SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN <br /> In ordev w mcet Ne 45% (by 200q end 6i% (by 2006) reduction goels Nat wem previwsly <br /> adopced by all govemmrnts, it is necessary to begio implementa�ion of the inmgrared solid wasm <br /> avagemem plan. it haz bem assumed thenhe fom member govemments remeiv commiaed m <br /> [hese goals and ve willing m wmmil the necessary resources m�heir anaieunent. <br /> The Mererials Rccovery Fecility (MRF)Fas previouely been identifiN as tM1e fowdation of Ne <br /> was�e reducfion plen. Should member governmenle ehooe¢m no[punue the dmelopmeuf of <br /> a MRF� Ihe weste retluefion gonls md Ihe lu[egraled Solid Wnste Mnoagemeu[Plau would <br /> need w be revieed dowowvrd. <br /> It is also imponavt w note Wet the inregre[ed plen is inte�dN ro eddress all waate ma�agemmi <br /> systeru elemenis, mt simply wazte rMuctiort The goal of a wly integrated solid wasle system <br /> should be m ensure that all rysrem wmponents are consisrent wiN, end wo�k ro miNose eM <br /> supporc all o�er ryslem componrnrs. <br /> � The fiamework for weste reduc[ion previously adopted by all govemments, idevtifM Ne <br /> following imms for implcmrntafiom <br /> publie edueafion for eil wasre generemrs in order w reduce tM1e amowt of wazle being <br /> • pruduced,md to mcowage geemperticipatiav iv recycling pmgeams; <br /> di(@rcnliallavdPll lep a mcourege the separanon of rteyclable mahrials (i.e., lower <br /> • tipping f«s ere ewrently charged for yard wasm Nat em be growW for mWch, waiving of <br /> tipping fes for soiap metela ihat cen ba moycled,e[c.) <br /> • noo-ecovomic ivicenrives sucM1 es a nyuveme�[ for solid was4 plans for new - <br /> residential wnstruc[ioq w Se audi6, recog�tition pmgrams for busmesses Oue achieve high <br /> wasre redwfion oc recYding rets,em.; <br /> • mavdatory recyeliog md/or d'upaaal bane in ordec ro e�sure tliat mos� or all recyclable <br /> matenals are diveetM firom Uw waate stlevn; <br /> • volume baeetl feea/pey-asyow0row prognma �M1ai charge wasm generewrs for wllection <br /> and disposal besed on ehe quaotity (either by volume ov wei�p of weste dispos N. Iv <br /> addirion ro proviNng revrnues to pay for<ollection anNor disposei of wavte, these programs <br /> typicaliy reaWt in ivcreaud wavte rcduction avd recyclivg. At this point in Yme, it remains <br /> wclear wM1at level of wmminnrnt exirts among member yovemments m implement volume <br /> besed or PeY-awYOU-�hmw pmp�ams. <br /> ZI Sfepe ro Implemenla�ioo - <br /> TAe Ivlegia�ed 9olia Weste Mviegemmt 9Ndy IdmfifieA tivee suggestW steps for developmwt <br /> ofenimplementefionplen." TMth�eeampsidantifiedwere: <br /> • m �mn�z.,�m.m�.smiaw��mr.rm�a.wn.x..¢mo�n.n++viwc. <br /> Pnnkd: OBIOCJ982:59 PM <br />