Orange County NC Website
ia <br /> i devdopmeuv of needed G<ilities iucluding e C&D Iwdfill, MRF, and nensfer sta�ioo" We <br /> would note that LOG finanaee will gmw iucreesivgly tight as the amount ot salid waste • <br /> proo¢esed decrezses mJ �ipping feee (and other pnteofial rnenue mechanisms) iuerasu <br /> Wi[houl fhis self-Jiaaipliue the res0oueible govemment could fioa iAel( witM1out [he <br /> reveouee required ro eosure tha� pianned anuuvl re rves are ina¢ed eet eeide. TM1e <br /> temptatioo la rMa�e the conlribufions to the eeerves iu arder to minimiz¢ required anouei <br /> mereuea iv �ipping feee must De reeiete3 <br /> 6.3 Pay-Per-i6row <br /> TLis repon examines pay-es-you-Nmw in rhe wutrxt of Cowty opere�ions due m�he indivfduel <br /> responsibiliry of each govemment foc waste collwtio�. <br /> As diswssed above, pay-perthrow oflers at least two signifcant benefits. Fivst, i� pmvides m <br /> edditionnl revwua source that eau oRset overtelianw oo Gpping fus. Secoud by charging usus <br /> basad oo �he amowt ofwazre[hey dispose,II creata ioceonves foc usus m reduce the vnowt of <br /> u-ssre Nry present for collec�ion and dieposal. Thcre are drewbacks m its implementatioq <br /> howeve5 including i[s wfamilianty and �Irc likely perceplon HW it is 'jusl enotM1er iu". <br /> Should Ihe eoard ulfimalely tleM�o uee pry-perv[hrow aa a eolie watr manogemwt faol�1 <br /> «commend that Ihe Comty uodertake an eatmsive, proaclive puhlie informafiau eRort ta <br /> ecplain the rotionale tor ib impl¢mentation. Inpu[fiom citize�az public mcetings held in Ne <br /> Cowty severai years ago indicated that citiuns in wincoryorered Orenge Cowry xrere relatively <br /> saeisfied with lha leval of serviae pmvid�d at Ne Couoty's solid wasm conveNmce centas. • <br /> They also indiwred thev general preference Nat solid was�e mllecfiov be fwded[Ivough general <br /> property �sn revevue. I!we do im0leme�[ a pay-perthrow aOPmach, I suggest we wnsider a <br /> phesed-iv approech where some of�e cost of eolleotiou iriitlally is boma by �he Geowal Fwd. <br /> Over fime, �he fees for waam disposal could increase w a greamr pemrntege of �he cosv of <br /> co0ection <br /> Decisio�s o� pay-pervth�ow can be considered funher down �he road, eRer tlie current pressing <br /> decisions abom govemsvice end solid wasa faziliry si�ing have been resolved Howeveq sume of <br /> vM implemenwtion issues �M1e eoard will need m w�ider in addifion m thou outlined above <br /> willincl�de: <br /> . weighv(sceles)vs.volume(begovicen)bmW <br /> • type of contaivers�o be used(cv�s vs. clear bags vs. any bags) <br /> • Iessons learned fivm cue sNdies of successes and challenges expenenced in implementetion <br /> of pay-per Wrow systems elsewM1ere(NOrth Carolina eM�a�ionally) <br /> • what kind of reduction razes can be expeckd for ditYerent levels of fces <br /> • wAs�Oroblems are likely iPCOwly uses pay-pervtluow bm munioipelifies dou'[4 <br /> m..�wrAmc.ri=wiw��waar. e�oemsm�rsoi�eens�ewm�nio�.n��aiwnaw�Ramzis.iwa . <br /> Printed OB/O6/9ffi:59 PM <br />