Orange County NC Website
ll <br /> The�e ere �hree pnmary mechviisms for generating solid was�e program revenue curremty wdrr <br /> • renew by �he Solid Wazre Fi�cing Committee' <br /> 6.1.1 Osu Faee: Fees thaz are direc0y charged by local govemmwts ro tAe users of solid <br /> waste managemen[ services. Tipping fces cAarged ro haulers fo� disposing of wu4 at �he <br /> landfill are e O�me examPle <br /> fi12 Colleclion Ftta: Boards of Cowty Commissioners ere auNonzed in�Ae NoM Caroliva <br /> General Stawtes m impou a fce fov solid wasre wllection that may not exceed �M1e cos� of <br /> collava�. <br /> 6.13 Availability Fm: ChargN m pvsons�en�iiies who have av opportwity m bemf�Gom a <br /> solid wazm managemmt fuiiiry. The sta�e stamre hu been bmadly conswed by a numbe� of <br /> locel govammwvs m pe�mit ihe epplicatlon of availebiGiy kes m address Ne cos�s of recycliog <br /> pm6rems. <br /> ¢seems logical m cousider implemrnfing availabiliry frex on a countywide bazis, u all citizens <br /> benefit from collaborative recycling and redm�iov eflons. The Board of Commissio�s is the <br /> oNy body empowemd m levy smA fees countywide. 1 r md Mat if the Board <br /> ul�imafely punua Ihb touex of vetlou, Ihcl �he YowweOema�tnte Iheir cgreemevt <br /> through adopHog resalvriona ep«ificalty mdorsing the levying at [hu tre, thereby <br /> re�ecfing �he brnaa euppon at all juriedicfions tm Poia parficular tuoding mmhanism. <br /> • This tee ahould be known aa tYe "CYapd Hill — Carrboro — Onnge Couvry Solid Waah <br /> Availabiliry Fee^. <br /> The spwific mix end levels of fees m be implememed shoWd be detert�ined afler h�e Firw�cing <br /> Comminre compie[es its work. Howevec, I reeommend the Boord covsider endorsiog a <br /> cooaptual menue strvclurt that would inelude <br /> • Financing for core opere�ions(such as a MRF,avd MS W end C&.D landfilling), and Ue mlid <br /> waste positiore tM1at suppon H�ese operefiovs,througA tiOP�g fees. <br /> • Financing solid wesre collecfioMrensponetion aaivieies and positions througA a wmbi�tion <br /> of property wees md collecfion charges, mch av pay-cervtlssow (fov Cowty a� Ierge <br /> opera[iore ody). <br /> • Fieuncing redu<cioNrecycling effons md required staff Hvaugh tipping fas ro tAe exmnt <br /> paaical, and f ce the balanm wiN availability fees. The �anue and scope of <br /> reduceioNmcycling effons would be mamined bia�umallg and approvM wiN clear <br /> pertortnance svMards and expecrations az ro the desired levels of urvice as it releres ro the <br /> aavlability fee. <br /> 6.2 Fiueneiog of NewFVCJifia end Serviaa <br /> LOG sWt' haae indi<a�M �voughom development of the 1998-99 Lmdfll Fwd budget that <br /> • adequere�eurvesareonhendorprogeammedfor1heacquisi[ionofsimsandforconsWCtionavd <br /> Pnn�eP OBI081982-.59 PM <br />