Orange County NC Website
L6 <br /> She LOG has appoi�[ed a subcommihee w exemine oplio�for gene�ating additionel revenue for • <br /> solid waste operetiow. While spewfic aooclusione and recommendation.a must await Me <br /> omple�ion of the Soiid Wazm Fi�uncing Comminee's work in the nent several months, <br /> prelimivary data wmpiled by �Ae wmminee's consulrivg firm HIlR Eogineering, Ina ere <br /> enli�cemvg. LOO solid wasm pmgvams are p�imarily miw�ed iowards residcntfal wllaction <br /> and disposal, bu[mme�hen 50%of pmgr revenue comes Crom pnva[e haulers of wmmercial <br /> wasre. M Apol 1996 summery report prese�red informetio� regarding alrema�ive fwding <br /> sources for wasm mmagemrnt urvi«s in several neigAboring wmmwities, and hes been <br /> inciudedherefm�ef e.10 <br /> Pmam wasre haWers are pmxntly wder no com0ulsion ro dispose of waae at Ne Orange <br /> Regional Landfiil. HDR advises Net as tipping fees in Orange Comty continue m increese, <br /> pnvaze heulers may meke eco�omic decisiow m ve�spon wasm they wllect ro oiher landflls <br /> wivh Iowe�tippi�6 fees." With reletively fixed costs for many aspects of LOG pmgrems, N�Aer <br /> fes wwld oced ro be cAarged ayaiust the smellev wuie stream IeH behind in o�de� w gevera�e <br /> ohe same operetional revenue. There are a number of adverre <onsequevices resulting fiom this, <br /> such u NgAer tip @es for remaiNng cus�omers, including the bcal govemmen6; and loss of any <br /> abiliry to influence rcduction eRorts in the was�e sveam taken w ou�of Cowty Imdfilis. Orevge <br /> Cowiy inwntiveydisinrentives m reduce was�e aze meaningiess m haWers �sking warte out of <br /> wwty,and�heir wure still cowts against Orange Cowty i�Oie WcWatiou ofper wpita wute <br /> reduction. Red�cvion effons direcred agaire� �he remvning wasm sveam woWd here co be Nat <br /> mwh more inrense if Ne Cowty is to rexA its stered reduc[ion goels of 45 o by 2001 and 61 0 • <br /> by 2006. <br /> 6.� RevenueMeehenisma <br /> While the 0����evel&widch fip0�8�as would bernme woompeNOVe mgio�lly is aryuable, <br /> it ia deer [hat addifioval rcvenue soiucKs) ueed ro be employed ro minimim [uwa tipping @e <br /> 1 rec eud that fhe Boertl o( Commiuionera mniuhin ife previoualy <br /> esmplished ataoce �ha[ Onuge Couuty General Fuud rcvmue will ool M1e ueetl w <br /> und¢ewrite eurrmt LOG prognme aod sativifies that cenuot be coveretl in �he hNre by <br /> ripP�og fen or ofher menun aeecribed 6elow. It would be critleal for the BOCC lo rehin <br /> iu the Interlmal AgrcameuHhe proviaian thel nllowe [he BOCC�o inarene th¢ mixed eotid <br /> waste fippiug (e¢ op to ]0% per yeeq wit6mf the prior ca�mf of thc o�her govemments. <br /> It would aleo be impomot for the County ro assure �ha� rooura« hvve Leeo epproprietety <br /> budgetetl, it aud whm [he Camry aaeumea responsibJity. For i�tancq essumiog fhat . <br /> Onnge County asmmu hll respansibitity (or solitl waste manegemeot avd govemauee oo '� <br /> Oerob¢r 1, 1999, we urge the BOCC ro have the right to review ana epprme che fioal <br /> bu0ge for FV 1999/1000 ns aAOpted by fhe LOC to ensure t6e Couoty hev the resourtu <br /> required ro cerry out i�e responeibiliti¢s. <br /> ' Ingfim9pt'CMnYUgolWiC98. � <br /> HOHEng�rcmnG,MSR�sMmW �eailvAilnyVrd'OJOOwh�IDdwmcSmlae,luly6, iW0 <br /> Pnn�eM1 0&O6I883'.05PM <br />