Orange County NC Website
SU6IMARY OF ATTACHMEN'fS/REFEREVCE DOCOMEVT3 <br /> • NUM1IBlR DAiE DOCUbIEVTiITLE <br /> SolfdWeste 08/11/98 SolidWes�eRaportOpciousfo�5olidWas�eOpeauons, Plenningeud <br /> He o�i Fivancin <br /> 1 Ofi/15/98 Frzmewo�k fov e Comp�ehensive Plan for Solfd Wnste Ylenegemeut iu <br /> Oran eCou <br /> 2 t0/19/9] GoelsforlheManvemw�oPSolidWesminOvaneCouuv <br /> OB/06/98 CeiwlatlonofCommunit eeucfitsfovLendfill <br /> 4 I WOB/9] Memo fiom Ml�e B�w@h m Carrbom Meyov and Boerd of Aldermw <br /> Re:Bwefirs�oNef hbo�sofBxistin Lendfill <br /> 5 10/lb/99 Lertee &om Geofirey Gledhfll to BOCC Re�. fteporc of the Lendfll <br /> Ownen Gmup�Landfll Neighbors Wo�king Group - <br /> Recommrndetiovs fo� Impmvamevis e�wnd lhe O�avge Regioual <br /> Lendfill <br /> 6 OS/II/98 Memo fiom Peul Thames m BOCC Re�. PcopertY Parocl meps, small <br /> scale aeriel phowgvephy paroel meps, percel enalysis ehert e�id <br /> uvf� wes�u service benefitx ms�chert <br /> ) LO/]/9J ImerlocelA �eemen�, F� htDVeHdetedOcrobwJ, 199] <br /> 8 06/15/98 IntuloaeiA e menl -Summ ofPOin[sofConseusus <br /> 9 OS/04/98 Intulocal Agreemeuc Poiots on Whicl� Conswsus Haz Nat Been <br /> Reazhed <br /> 10 1126/9] Memo from ]ohn Li� to BOCC Re: Condifions foc Cauoty's <br /> • Asswn tion of Lead role in Solid Wute Mana ement <br /> tl 04/IU98 Employee Trmis�eon fiom Town of CAapel Hill ro Otange Couuty <br /> 2m lo w[ <br /> 12 1120/99 Orm�ge Cowty IDhgamd Solid Waste Manegement Plm - Curtev[ <br /> Recyeliug Progarns s Pmposed Addi�ions (Updahd table <br /> senreda[BOCC WoekSusiou <br /> IJ 01/12/98 Memo from ]oM Link m Cowty Iandfill Owne�s Gmup <br /> Re resm�e�ivesRe'. Develo mevtofMatanelsReowe Fecili <br /> la ❑/13/9) Memo ftom Gayle Wilson �o So1m LfNc Rc Responsem Question ou <br /> develo ent of tansfer station and matedals recov fxili <br /> IS 011t2/98 Memo 6om ]oM Link m Cwnry Landfili Owmvs Grwp <br /> Represeuletives Ra Manegemev� o[ Co�true[iou e�d Demolilion <br /> C&D Wazle <br /> 16 06q0/9% Mema Gom Wilbert McAdw ro lohn LiN: Re_ C&D Wes�e <br /> Mana ementPVac�ire -Summ Re oM1s <br /> 1] 06/02/98 Ioyce Engivearivg [uc, Repon-Life Cycle Cost Analysu, Proposed <br /> . C&D Landfill Si¢s <br /> IB 08/OG/98 Memo 6am Geve Bell ro Rod Vfsse� Re: Revtew Process for Solid <br /> Wvste Pacilities <br /> 19 06R0/98 Memo fiom Wilbart MeAdoo �o ]aM LiNc Re. Solid WaAe Issues <br /> Arisiv fiomBOCCMmtiv of04R4/98 <br /> 20 06/Ofii98 FmR Engineenng, Inc., Iiesidential "AVVlabiliry Fee" Oplions for <br /> • Solid WasreServices <br /> 2I 06/04/98 Memo fiom Geyle Wilsm m LOG Re: Puodiny for C&D Lnndf�115i�e <br /> Ac ufsdiou <br /> Pnn[e0: 0810]/988�.56 AM <br />