Orange County NC Website
14 <br /> Mat some rype of mrting ov pmwssing f9cility will bc requiad in fumm �o aak¢ve [he ovenll <br /> waste reduttion goals. . <br /> AlNough fuwce disposel for C&D was�e may be lefi m ohe pmam secmq i� should be mted Nat <br /> Me exwss revwue ihat is curreotly gwereted by C&D disposal wwld go m the p�ivaie secmq <br /> and wodd m lovgrr be avsilable �o fwd other wazce reduc�ion acfivities in Orange Cowty. <br /> C&D waste, disposal of wNoh is charged at $36/mn againat an enimared hmdli�g cost oP less <br /> then $22 per mq provides a subsramial subsidy of approximerety $000,000 -$500,00� per year <br /> that is cumenHy used m fuM wesre reducuon and recycling progrems, which themulves produce <br /> very linle program revmua. <br /> Discussions and considerazions related m fumre mana6emmo opfions have been on going. A <br /> previo o swunaives tive me optiore for I'uWre me�ageme�t of consirvction and <br /> damofiGon waste meterials." That memo did not eddrcss Ne opfion of developivg u new C&D <br /> landfill site ec e oew looetiov. A ]we 1998 surtuneey report pmsant� demila regaMing C&� . <br /> waste manegement pnctias in severai neighbonn6 wmmoN�ies, a�d Aaz bern imWded M1ere for <br /> rePomnoel` <br /> A recem repon fiom loyce Engineen�g Inc., presen4d life cycle cost vialyses foc Nree <br /> proposed C&D landfill sites w Orenge Cowty." Whila uone of lheee sims may ultime�ely be <br /> selec�N for use as a C&D landfll,tM1e reporc does provide brder of inegNmde' life cycle costs <br /> (519 to 822/rou) Met would Iikely be mpraseum�ive of cos� Mat woWd be incurted at oNu <br /> potwtiai loraiions in Orenge Cowty. • <br /> Civen Ihaf th< exieting C&D Inutltl0 will reach upacity wiroin 12 m l8 monfM1s, ma Ihe <br /> fivanaial coneitlentiom addreeeed abovp it u rccommmde0 [hve the BOCC cntl other <br /> gov¢mmente pmaced with siliug a orn in-County C&D IsudfJl. <br /> 53 Alahriale Rerovery Faciliry <br /> In order w acAieve �he waz[e diversiov goals �M1ac M1ave previously bxn ideotified (45% by 2001 <br /> and 61 o by 200�; fie capnve mm fov evailable recyoleble conteinees end �bers muet be <br /> azee. This <ould be aclileved by bmadening Ne source of recyclable mazerisls ro include <br /> additio�l Aousaholds (rwel, multi-family) anNOr oommucial locatio�a md deepeNng reeovery <br /> from tM1ese locetiorm (i.e., 1hrough recovery of edditio�al matenals, end/or inercased capnue of <br /> target matenals). As this would ivcWde some mamnals thaz ere we cwrenHy being managed by <br /> p�ivate secwv savme companiea, it will beuecessary�o develop and opare�e e me�erinls mcovery <br /> f ility (MRF) to fiailitare pmmssivg and marketiug. The need fnv a MRP wes idenfifled in a <br /> May 1996 repon finm Weamn(Pi�l Repon,Ivrogvered Solid Wesm Ma�agemrnt 3mdy)and the <br /> Inregreted Solid Wasre Mazugement Plan previously ado0�ed by ail perticipating govemments. <br /> mccx.: a �.icamwmi.,��,,,,�.ix,iwn. <br /> u.t�o r.c.�.� orcokw�u�.�eo�nuu <br /> ���e�a���•e�+r.u¢pu�.�,timR,�no�o�mesou�anusi��mkx�izse� �w�.����o.issa. . <br /> Printed OB/0&9B259PM <br />