Orange County NC Website
10 <br /> 5.0 SOLIDWASTEMANAGENENiFACILITIESANDSERVICES/PROGRqMS <br /> Appropriah eoGJ wash menagemen[fecilifies are,antl will aoutinue lo bq required fm Ihe • <br /> magemrnf of same or all of [h¢ approximemly I40,000 tona of solid wasle geoenlM <br /> wiroin Orenge County, regardlae ofA¢euiova relateJ [o governvnre iseuea. At e minimum, <br /> lhis wouid ixlude �cllius m mavage th¢ quanfity of muvioipal mlid wnBle (MSWJ, <br /> onstrucuou end demolifion (CffiD) wasre and recyclable ma�erial that is colleeted by, a�d <br /> therefam wiWin ihe convol aC Ne LOO membev govemments. I� may elso incl�de facilities <br /> wiN edequs�e capacity w manage some o�all afNe MS W and C&D wazte tha� is collecred and <br /> disposed by private waue managementwmpvuex. Figums 1 aW 2 pcesent a sununary ofthe <br /> esrimeted quantiry, wmce end Disposition of solid weste generu�ed iu Oange Cowry dunng Ne <br /> 1999I98 fival year. <br /> 5.1 Exiefiog5yetem <br /> Tha esis�ing waste me�agemevt system inclodes the system componwts summerized below. <br /> 51.1 WasteRedocliou <br /> LOG member gmemmmcs cumently red�ce the quentity oS wuce unt ro disposal [IvougL vhe <br /> followingpm&ams: <br /> • d`op-ofi wnrers, wban snd rural cmbside, multi-f ily and commemial mcycling pmgams • <br /> for romainer marenels end fbers; <br /> • wnsvuction end demolition wazm rerycling pm6�� (���aged m&erials sales and pallet <br /> recovery; <br /> • household hazardous wasre e�d pain�exchange pmgrams; <br /> • othu mcycling pmgrams (i.e., aummorive battery recycling, tire recycliog, scrap meml <br /> recydiug,emJ; <br /> • ayardwasmmulcNngprogrem. <br /> QuenfiTy en0 cos��emation for eacA of IM1ese pm&�s waz i�i�ially preseured by Wesmq Ine, <br /> updated for Ne BOCC Solid Was�e Mariegement Work Sessioq Novpnber 20, 199"1, avd <br /> induded M1ere az Rnachment #9". The estimamd reduoiion in waste unt �o disposal during the <br /> 1999/98 fival year waz appmumamlY 40,000 ronx, or 28% of the mtel weste generared witM1in <br /> OrangeCowty. <br /> 5.1.3 WasteC011eeHou <br /> Each member govemment in Orenge Cowty is res0o�ible for collecring MS W within rheir <br /> jwlsdictioa Othu MSW wllectlov (i.e, from lazger indust�iel, comme¢id and instiNtiorel <br /> QC&I) loca�ious) is provfded by privaR waele mariegemeu[smice companies (i.e., BFI, Wes�e <br /> Iuduavies,em). <br /> oinA�ev+��y.� �n.-c�mn.�r•��ena .�..r . mi��.,�pmar v ��e • <br /> .nno.rn� . rwwncomminio�rs��.ema.o�e.e.0��xrxo,is�sa�� �. <br /> Printed 0&0&882:59 PM <br />