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60 <br />(maintenance plan attached hereto as Exhibit 7), The use will not generate 800 <br />arms, day, therefore a traffic impact study is not applicable. <br />Telecommunication Towers Standards of Evaluation <br />a) Setbacks -The facility Is setback from adjacent property that is not under <br />common ownership and is located in a residential zoning district A reduction m <br />the required setback from property under common ownership to one�half the <br />height of the tower is requested. As required by the Ordinance, an easement for <br />the remaining setback is granted by the adjoining property owner. The reduction <br />in setback is requested to minimize the amount of property encumbered by the <br />proposed use in a manner ensuring the health, safety and well being of the <br />rivers of Orange County. Pursuant to Orange County Planning Staff the <br />guyed points and the respective fencing and landscaping may be located within <br />the standard building sabacks. <br />b) Setbacks For non- tendential property not applicable <br />C) As depicted on the site plans submitted herewith, a Type C Landscape Buffer <br />will be provided, maximizing the retention of existing vegetation. <br />d) As depicted on the sits plans, the facility is designed to accommodam at least <br />five (5) user's mtermaz and equipment. <br />e7 The facility will be fmced and locked. <br />f) The telecommunication equipment planned for the proposed tower cannot be <br />accommodated on an existing tower due to allowable reason p6 -There are no <br />existing facilities within one (I) mile of the proposed Facility and therefore, none <br />exist in an area where the equipment will friction in its Intended manner. <br />g) As stated above, the facility is designed to support several additional users. <br />(Searon Communications is willing to permit other estate) to attach <br />communication facilities which do not Interfere with the primary purpose of the <br />tower, provided that such other users agree to negotiate a reasonable <br />compensation to the owner form such liability as may result form such <br />atachmmt. <br />IS The color of the tower is a light steel gray, not an obvwive red and white, to <br />its visual impact <br />1) Th minimize Iowa will be lighted as requtrcl by the FAA- Lights will he white strobe <br />during the day vW red blinking at night (Bearon COmmwications utilizes Flash <br />Txhnology lighting systems widt advanced tacMOlogy and optics that utiliu a <br />narrow beam spread, resulting in a red light at night that is no more obtrusive <br />that a ro wan patio light bulb. <br />j) The tower mot m[aua will not result in a significant adverse impact on the view <br />ofor&am any ldsmrie site, scenic road, or major view condor. Please see the <br />above refertsmced balloon teal' giants. The IMUUM NEPA cvslumours are <br />modem review, however pelimmary investigations do not indicate my advax <br />impact (Exhibit 8). <br />k) All ffimdonedc mimfim towers stall be removed within 12 months of the <br />exemption of use. Gearon COmmwicatiov agrees m part such band or other <br />wry, seasonably 8wmntecing the removal of the tower N Ne event Net it is <br />ebmdonM Or uaused(ar a period of 12 manNS. A removal ntimate provided <br />by dre tower eratm company used by Gown Commnmicadorns a reached <br />hesem as Exhibit 9. <br />1) The facility will comply with all Federal, sate and local emission requirements. <br />