Orange County NC Website
E,dc Selection <br />Geron Communications carefully selected and designed the proposed facility to provide a <br />structure that meets the coverage needs mitre prima y smoot BellSouth DCS, will be feasible <br />for collocation, and meet the goals of the community . Cramer Communications is very sensitive <br />to the proximity of nearby residential properties and bas taken steps to ensure compatibility . <br />The proposed facility will cause mummal visual impact to surrounding residential properties. A <br />"balloon test" was conducted on June 16, 1999, during which a balloon with a diameter of five <br />feet was floated at a height of 275' to assess the visual impact of the proposed tower. <br />Photographs of views taken ham property lines, nearby residential areas, and roadways (along <br />with a map depicting the photograph locations) arc amuched hereto as Exhibit 2, As you can se , <br />the line of sight Rom Greenfield Road and Greenfield subdivision is completely screened by <br />dense large, mature pines. Although glimpses of the structure might be seen Ram their rear <br />property lines, it is unlikely due m the wooded areas of the original parent trot (see Subdivision <br />proposal outlined below). The balloon was minimally visible on Hwy 54 and Bethel Church Rd. <br />due to the existing mature trees, topography, and curve of the roads. The balloon was visible in <br />places on Bethel Church Road, but not from any residential structures and was not visible at all <br />from In Mac Road and swrmading roads, North of the subject site. <br />This particular site was acquired in response to a request by BellSouth DCS. BellSouth DCS <br />operates a Personal Communications Semce ("PCS' system, providing me latest in wireless <br />communication throughout the Southeast The proposed site is critical for complete coverage of <br />Hwy 54 and surrounding come West of Canberra. propagation maps reflecting the coverage <br />requirements are allachcd hereto as Exhibit 3. <br />The process of developing a PCS system is similar to cellular development in that the Basic <br />Trading Arcs ( "BTA") regions as subdivided own small geographic sections or "cells'. Each <br />cell site holds the equipment [bet provides the air interface to the subscriber Sits and most be <br />precisely located relative to often voclis" creating a communication land system. This gnd <br />system must reflect the topography and traffic (ur Tpopulation and building density) of the <br />'calls" a Well u the (adios of the respective integral reliable care mission arcs. <br />Co-location <br />German Communications is not aware of any existing structure f ible for collocation within <br />one (1) rude of the Proposed facility. <br />ATS/Crman'a bufln¢r4 m nation rawV W celecefe on W tbamomm. We are very <br />confident that thin will Be an Ideal kandron for otba i stetmed wvelm prominent to losses basic <br />antmmu. An outlined above, AM(Iaron ha a relationship wiN virtually every paler wireless <br />Emotions in the Country. Every site is aggreamely marketed to navies a wide range of waeiea <br />techvobgia mcludipg KS (GSM, CDMPu TDMA), Cellular, Paging, ESMR/SMR, <br />3891a /tl'Gelas Fiber, 2Way Paging, ex. NodPwuon was sat to wastes; providers in Ne am <br />(sample letter acrd mailing Ind attachM as Ealubir 4). <br />