Orange County NC Website
<br />Page 2 of 5 <br />3. Comply wiN all Stak licensing sundards, atl applicable accrediting standards and <br />my oNer stmdards or eriteda established by the Divisiov of 9oda19ervices to <br />assure quality of services; and <br />4. Restrict the use or disclosure ofiNbcmaticn obtained in correction wiN the <br />administration of North Carolina's programs for the provision of services <br />concerning applicmts far and recipients of those services to purpose directly <br />connected with the admirdstrativn of Ne service program; and <br />5. Comply with Ne terms of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 19]3 and all <br />requirements impoud by or pursumt [o the regulations of the Department of <br />Health and Humm Services issued pursuant k that Sedioq which prohibit <br />discrirnination agairvst hmdicapped persons in employment and in the operation <br />ofprograms and activities receiving Federal funds; and <br />6. Comply w1N Title VI and VII of Na Civil Righs Act of 1964 and atl requirements <br />imposed by or pursuant k the regulations of Ne Department of Health and Humm <br />Services issued pursuant to hat Title; and <br />]. Accept fiscal responsibility for deviations fiom the krtns ofthis Convect asaresult <br />ofacts of the Provider or my ofits offices, employees, agents or represevtetives. <br />SBCTTON H: RESPONSIBILITY FOR LIABILITIES <br />Each patty hereto ogees to be msponsble kr its own liabilities and that of its officers, <br />employees, agents, or represevtetive arising our of Nis Convazt. <br />3ECTIDN III: TREATMBM OF ASSET9 <br />Treatrnent of assets acquved under this Convect shall be subject m Ne following: <br />A. Ownership ofpropetty DwchasN by Ne Provider under Ne terms ofthis Convector <br />which reimbmsemm[ by the Depmmsmt is based upon the aztuel purchase cam ofthe <br />property shall immediakly vest with Ne Department of Human Resources upon such <br />reimburument. <br />B. The North Cmolirta DeparMrenr of Hwvm Resources shall have no claimip procerty <br />purohased by the Provider undo the teens ofthis Contract for which reimbursement by <br />the Deparment is based upon approved depreciation schedule or use allowmce. <br />0. The Provider shall mamr,',. and adminimer iv accordmce with sound business practice a <br />program for the mainlenmce, tepee, protxdon and preservation of propuTy pmcltased <br />wdn the terms of Ws Covtmct to usure its continued evailabiliry. <br />D. Progeny purchase ender Ne krtns oftlsis Convect shall be aced oNy far the perfortnmtt <br />of Nis Contract. <br />