Orange County NC Website
~. <br />Smte of North Carolitta <br />Division of Social Services <br />Contract Applicaiton Page 5 of ] <br />O 3. (Applicable tc Public Hospimis. Colleges. and Univenides) <br />The annual audit must be performN W accordance with OMB ChcWar A-11o. <br />I[ is no[ nmesssary for the institution o[ program audits performed separately <br />from av WI-inclusive single audit wNch entails all revenues and expenditures <br />ofthe public agency. However, it is the resporvsibitity of the contractor to <br />insure thaz the contract program is included in the institution's single amual <br />audit. <br />A copy of Ne audit report must be provided to the County departrvem of <br />Social Services upon completion of the amuW audit. <br />(X) 4 (Appliaableto State oe LOCal GOVemmevt Agencies) <br />M a~muW audit is to be performed in accordantt with OMB CircWm A-12g by <br />an independent aaditor. Upon completion of [he audit, a copy of the audit <br />report must be forwarded to the cowry Departrnent of Social Services. <br />E. Client Fees for Service <br />(X) L No fees will be charged to individuals deterznived to be eligible for services <br />by the department of social services. <br />O 2 Tha smvica(s) under contract witb the Provider are services for which a cllevt <br />fee may be assessed. Policy regmdmg Ne assessment and collecfian of fees is <br />mnteined iv Family Services Manual, Volume VI, Chapter III. If a client is to <br />ro be chaged a fee, the depertrnent wilt itSorm the Provider of the amount of <br />fee m be charged and of any subsequent changes by way of the Purchase of <br />Service Refetrel and AuNorimfien (DSS Form 1360). The Provider will <br />establish a play with We client for collecting the fee on az least a movtlily basis; <br />and whey fees are no[ paid withimm~ days of the due date, will bill the client in <br />writing and stud a copy of the bill to the Depac[ment. NO OTHER FEES FOR <br />SERVICES MAY BE CHARGED iO lliE CLIENT. Client fees aze m be <br />repotted on the Monddy Report of Service Delivery (DSS Form 15]1, Pan <br />IV). <br />F. Maragemrnt pftheFwding/Tlatchivg Share RegWrement <br />() 1. A rash hansfer of the matching share will be made to the cowry department of <br />serial services m semrdmce with the terms specified w the Dortation <br />Agreanmt (DSS-1319). <br />