Orange County NC Website
ORANGE COUNTY <br />ORANGE PUBLIC TRMSPORTATION <br />VEHICLE LEASE AGREEMENT <br />This Agreement is entered into this first day of IWy, 1996 by and berwceo the Cowry of <br />Orange on behalf of the Deparmtan ov Agivg's Uwge Public Traruportazion service, <br />hereinafter referred to as "Orange Cowty" and Ornge Coumy gchools. <br />The purpose of Ws Ageemmt is to outline the wnditiovs under which Orange Cowry <br />and Orange County Schools will coopaativdy provide human services vmsportetion <br />through the Orwge Public Tmvsportaton service. <br />SPECffIC RESPONSIBILITIES OF ORANGE COONTY <br />1. To lease We nceded number of vehicle(s) at [he hours spceified: <br />Monday through Thursday, 5:00 - ]:00 p.m. <br />2. So provide all irtsmwce, fuel, maintenance, repays and replacement for each leased <br />vehicle. <br />SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES OF ORANGE COUNTY SCHOOLS <br />1. To reimburse Orange Cowry az a rate of840 per vm mile, $ 45 per miNbus mJe and <br />5.55 per bus mJe within 30 days after bilWtg. <br />2. Tc operate and schdule the use ofthe ImsM velticle(s) on behalf of humor services <br />clients wd approved groups m accordance with the Ormge Cowry Human Services <br />Trmnsportation Board's policies and procedures. <br />3. To pork aU laud vehicles N Ne Ornge Public Transportation parking lot az 300 <br />West Tryon Street, Hillsborough when not N use, udess otherwise authorized. <br />4. To complete all requved vehicle pperazion reports and submit weekly to the <br />Transportation Supervisor et 300 West Tryon Sttett. <br />5. To comply wiN all epPhcable fedaN regulation governing workplace arcidrug wd <br />Nmhol Drogmms m Ne transit industry. The FedvN Transit AdmiNStmtion ofthe <br />U.S. Department of Tmruportatiov has published 49 CFR Part 653 aN Pert 654, as <br />amended, thaz mandate urine dmg testing wd brmth alcohol testing for safety <br />sensitive positions wd prohibits performance of safety sensitive fwaions when there <br />rs a positive ten result. <br />The tam oEthis wntract shall be ftom JNy 1, 1998 through love 30, 1999 uNess sooner <br />temwmted by either patty giving thirty days prior written notice to the o0er ofimention <br />to terminate. I1ils Agreement maybe eatmded kr m additional year ifmmually agreed <br />to by both parties. <br />Page 1 of 2 <br />