Orange County NC Website
<br />a ~ 9~ <br />~~F <br />ORANGE COUNTY <br />ORANGE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION <br />DRIVER AGREEMENT <br />This Agrcemmt is entered into this first day of July, 1998 by and betwern 0e Coutty of <br />Orange on behalf of the Departnent on Aging's Orange Pubhc Trartsportation service, <br />herei~taftw referred to es "Orange Couny+' and Orwge Cowty Schools. <br />The purpose of ibis Agrcement is to outlive the mnditiovs under which Orange County <br />wd Orange County Schools will woperatively provide humm~ eavius trwsportazion <br />through the Orange Public Trwsponation servce. <br />SPECIFIC RESPONSffiQ,IT0:5 OF ORANGE COllNTY <br />1. To provide op to Ww (4) cmtlfled drivers Wr the Ormge County Middle Sahoal <br />Atlerschool Program Monday though Thursday for daily take-home of smdmss <br />between the hours of $.00 and 9:00 pm. <br />2. To provide back-up drivers incase the azsigned driver is not available. <br />3. To employ a Tmvsportation Supervisor m hurdle any problems erM to assure that <br />drivers are available. <br />4. To comply with all ePPlicable federal regulaziovs Bovemivg workplace msi-drug and <br />alcohol programs in the transit industry. The Federel Transit Admirdstretion (FTA) of <br />the U. S. Department ofTmvsponation has published 49 CFR Part 653 wd Pan fi54, <br />ammd~, that mmdase urine drug testivg wd breath elwhol testing for safety <br />ter vitive positions and prohibiu performance of salary smeitive fwctions whin there <br />is a positive ten result. <br />SPECRTC IiESPONSIBdIT1E5 OF ORANGE COUNTY SCROOLS <br />1. Ta rdmburse Orange Cowty e[ the rase of $16 50 per haw, far a miilmum oftwo <br />hours per diner per day of Afterschool Program opevasion within 30 days after billing. <br />2. In she evem that Orange County Schools requires spaiil'ved nilning beyoM diners' <br />rrem level, it shall be the'v reeponeibJity to ivdicate the type and level ofsrv'rdng and <br />to provide she prescribed smirdng without cost ro Ormge County. <br />3. To provide the Tmnsportazion Supervisor wrinev nosifiwtion ofarry trmsportasion <br />problems or unsatisfactory diners' perfowwce m order riot wrtective action can be <br />taken. <br />4. To provide the Trmsportasion Dispatcher daily written (faaed)notifiwtion ofthe <br />students who will need [mnsponation by no laze than 4:00 Pm. <br />Page t oft <br />