Orange County NC Website
<br />oRANCE colm~rv <br />ORANGE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION <br />DRIVER AGREEMENT <br />This Agrcement is entered into this &n day of Iuly, 1998 by end between the Comry of <br />Orange ov behalf of the Department on Agmg's Orange Public Travsponatiov service, <br />hereinafter referred to az "Orange Couvty" end Omvge-Person-Chatham Mental Health <br />Center, hereinafter referred to az "OPC ". <br />The propose of this Agreement is m outline fie wnditions under wNch Orange Couvty <br />and OPC wJl cooperatively provide human services transportation through the Orange <br />Pubbc Tmvsportadon service. <br />SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES OF ORANGE COUNTY <br />1. To Drovide ou certified driver for warier service among OPC sites and daJy pick-up <br />and tako-home of AdWt Day Treatment clients. This driver will be supervised by <br />- Orange County. <br />2. To provide back-up diners N case the assigned driver is not available. <br />To employ a Tmreportatiov Supervisor to handle any problems and to assure that <br />~ diners are available. <br />4. To comply with OPC vansportation policies and procedures as well az state standards. <br />5. To comply with all applicable federal regulations govurwng workplace anti-drug and <br />Wwhol programs N the transit indunry. The Federal Transit Admiisvaziov (FTA) of <br />the U.S. Department of IIar¢portation has published 49 CFR Pan 653 and Part 654, <br />amended, thaz mandaze urine drug testing end breath dwhol testing for eatery <br />sensitive positions and prohibits perfomnavce of safety sensitive fwctions when there <br />rs a positive te6t resWL <br />SPECffIC RE$PONS®]IITffS OF OPC <br />1. To reimburse Orange County at the raze of $12?5 per hour for seven hours per <br />workday of Orange County's operation witldv 30 days after billing. <br />2. lv the event tear OPC requies specialized trahuvg beyond driver's wrtwt level, it <br />shag be thei responsibidry to iMicate We Type end level ofuah~ivg and to prow,de the <br />prescribed ttaivng without wst m Orange County. <br />3. To provide the Transportation Supern written not5cation of any vavsportation <br />problems or unsatisfactory drivers' perfortnanu in order that corrective eaion can be <br />taken. <br />4. To provide the Transportation Supervisor written noti5catlon of any changes to We <br />feed route at lean tbree working days prior to the effective date. <br />Page 1 oft <br />