Orange County NC Website
NORTH CAROLINA PERFORMANCE <br />rUfNGE COUNTY AGREEMENT <br />TGIS Agreement matle antl entered into by and beMeeo the Tony of Chapel HI14 e/o <br />Chapel Hill Parkr & Rttreetlov Departmen4 300 Pun[ Roetl, Chapel Hill NC <br />2]514, hereivaRer referred to a "TOWn° autl Orange Couuty by and for in <br />Departmut on Agiug, hcreinaDer referred so as "Couuty^, PO Box 8183, <br />Hillsborough, NC 2]2]8. <br />WHEREAS, the Couuty oRers eervicm for senior citlzeos of Chapel Hill autl <br />Orevge Couuty; and <br />WHEREAS, [he services oRered by the Couuty w01 enrich the Chapel Hitl <br />community autl is eu eligible ezpevtllture of Towu revevum; <br />NOW THEREFORE, iv consideration of Oe shove autl the mvmel coveoanta autl <br />contlitloos hereinaRer set forth, the Towv autl the County agree as fotlowa: <br />1. Town hnnnrt <br />The Town witl provide the Couuty $45,33] tluring the Town'v focal year 199&1999. <br />The Town tlcee no[ obligate itself [o provitle any other support [o the Couuty Ou <br />foul year, nor is any suaeed'mg years. <br />2. nntlm of~heD ons nmem <br />The Couuty ehal] operate a omprehensive progrem targetetl mwartl Chapel Hill <br />and Orange Couuty raitlen6 agetl S years sod older. The County's Department <br />on Aging shall perform [ham dutles farther tleactlbM iu the attached °$wpe of <br />$ervlem". <br />3. Eay nd O <br />The appropriatlon shall be paitl m the County w Mo paymevu ae follows: <br />A. Ao inifial payment of825,33]w0l be matle upon execution of Chia <br />agreement entl aubmitml of au accurate invoitt. <br />B. Aaecovd paymen[of $20,OO0 will be made iv JUVe 1999. Thu <br />paymut will be matle upou receipt of ap accurate invoice and a <br />tletatletl report that describes all programs performetl from July t, <br />1998 through May 31,1999 utilulvg Town funtls. A Bvel report witl <br />be presenmd m [he Town no lamr than Sepmmber 1,1999 tleecrtblvg <br />