Orange County NC Website
i , _. <br />Revoonc'b'ffe of the Coon Ces Continued <br />B, Insure the[ all library employees era [rea[ed es employees of <br />the respective Coumies and receive compensation and benefits <br />packages accordingly. <br />C Prepare quarterly reports [or the Regional System to include <br />ivformafion perfinen[ to library operations and expenditure of <br />regionally appropriated funds and make all library records <br />available for ivspedion by ~e Regional System or its <br />representative at all reasonable limes. <br />D. ]name that disbursemen[s made on behalf of the libraries <br />from Stage, Federal and other restrictive sources era in <br />accordance with all required provisions. <br />4. Resonnxibil ifies of fhe Fiscal Aeent and Rinencial._Offitxi <br />The Fiscal Agent and Financial Officer for the Regional Sys[em will be <br />the Finance Director of Orange County and it shell be his or her duty <br />to: <br />A. Provitle accouniabili[y for the Regional System's financial <br />asses in accordance with generally accepted accounfing <br />principles and the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Conhol <br />Act. <br />B. Receive, deposit, disburse end invest [ha Regional Sys[em's <br />fonds in aecordance with Ne guidelines contained in eec[ion <br />4-A above. <br />C Prepare monthly financial statements for the Regional System <br />end pvesen[ these s[a[ements to the Regional Director. <br />D Insure [had Regional System funds are audited annually as <br />reyuired within the guidelines contained in SeMion 4-A above. <br />E Insure [hel all fiscal reports required by grantor agencies are <br />prepared and submitted on a timely buffs. <br />