Orange County NC Website
� J <br /> Oniversicy officials uoultl neetl [o c sitlen che u of the i encified <br /> pmopei[ies as po[en[ial si[es fo[ ChenAging Resoctce Cen[ei.a <br /> The 1998-2008 Capital Inves[ment Plan i iutles a expectetl priva[e <br /> plac en[ fin ing [o s capital funding for [hnee major pmojects: <br /> vaGions mnehe Whi[[eduHUman Seivices Cen[ec; improvements Lo the <br /> Noithern Human Services Wn[er antl meplacement of the Chapel Hill <br /> Senior Cen[er. The Boaxtl of Commissioneis will have to [ake ac[ion in <br /> Oc[obei 1998 on [he piivate placemen[ applica[ion [o [he Local <br /> Govennmen[ Commission if [�e Coun[y is to close t�e loan by the end of <br /> 1998 and m e [he loves[ possible inteiest iate. For [his c <br /> and [o piwitle sufficien[ leatl time Co e inte�cup[etl s en[o <br /> when the Galleria lease expir nuJUnen2001, it i ampoc[ant <br /> that a site be chosen fon an Aging Resource Wn[er by OcGObev 1998. <br /> ABC@�ffi-IDATION: The Managei ends t�a[ the Boaid [he <br /> ompanying ieport antl c sidecc [he Southecn xuman Services1eCen[e� <br /> pcopecty a of [hmee possible sites fox consitleza[ion as an Aging <br /> Reso�cce Centec cemp�s. <br />