Orange County NC Website
z � <br /> ae� e�aax;o�s eo� so,�c e�o a e - i- a <br /> The Womking 4e1a[ionships SubcommitSee met [hiee [!mes acd matle thcee <br /> xecommenaac,o�s : <br /> �i) Estabtish iegulac meetings of a scantling c mmittee of locil <br /> organizations fox pzogram c oss-fextilization antl coopecation in che <br /> aieas oE servic � etluca[ionfand meseash. <br /> �2) To c sitleceo eclapping boa=tl membeiship i octlez co m inpuc <br /> and excFange; fon e ample, establishing a intex-ocganizationalZe <br /> ativisory boaitl to screen communi[y veseamh pmjects. <br /> (3� To u on[cac[s antl coopeiacive agreemenes as [he basic mecFOd m <br /> atltlress logiscics of working mela[ionships. <br /> The Space Subcommit[ee me[ Cwice antl matle [hxee iemmmendations : <br /> (1� Establis� a ampus" of two o e builtlings iachex C�an a ingle <br /> facility. This campus appcoach voultl i solve facility o rs�ip,s <br /> ns[nction and m intenance i and allow fox phaseWin o <br /> facilities . The fixst facilityswould be Che c m[y o ned Senioc Cen[ec, <br /> o[t�ers to fol3ow migt�[ be N.C. Ins[itute on Aging� Model Adult �ay <br /> Cen[ei� o[ Wellness Cen[ei. <br /> (21 To c sitlec o e facili[y a n faciliCy° that would s rve as <br /> [he centex of thencampus antl house shaced serv>ces such as footl e <br /> se[v1ce� libmary� autlito[ium� etc. <br /> �31 To a mmotlate two o e builtlings and n ary parking fo¢ an <br /> Aging Peso�cce Cencez; a new si[e woultl cequire efive ac�es om moie. <br /> Af[er r tng piogmam plan 1ng anti spac eeds foc n Aging Res <br /> Cen[er Campus, the Collaboia[ive Planning Commi[[ee discussed po[ential <br /> sices iden[ified by the County Ecommic Developmen[ staff a[ its Sune <br /> 29th mee[ing. The Committee c aetl antl tliscussetl the pros aetl c of <br /> eight iden[ifietl si[es - unCY o netl� thcee Town of ChapelnHill <br /> ned� [hree ONC o netl, antl onecpmiva[ely ownetl. (See A[[achetl S1Ce lis[ <br /> for a Senloi Centec) <br /> 0y ballot vo[e, Che Commictee idenCified !he Nzw Lop pzeFerz�d sitee: <br /> Che Coun[y-ownetl Southein Human Seivice Piopeity txact wi[h the atljacen[ <br /> 1lnivecsiCY-owned Hozaw William' s Tia[q the Univeisi[y-ownetl Greenwootl <br /> P[opeRy [cacT (on Hwy 54 fiom UNC Gene[al Atlminist[ation <br /> builtling-13 a es� , Oniveisi[yaownetl Willow Diive tract Qocat_d on Che <br /> Nottheast sltle of 04 15-501-9.6 e¢esl . <br /> The Collaborative Planning Commit[ee i scheduled Co mee[ on August 2][h <br />� Co c sitiei Che feasibiliTy of lo[a[1ng the Aging Resourre CenTei o <br />. of [he iden[ified prefeiietl si[es. The Boaxd of County Commissionexs antl <br />