Orange County NC Website
1 <br /> OPApG6 COONTY <br /> HOARU 08 COM¢93IONERS <br /> Aation Ag nds <br /> Item Ne v-d <br /> ACTION AGENpA ITEN ABSTMCT <br /> Neating Dsle: AugusT 18, 1998 <br /> SUBJBCT: Plannmg £ex e Senioc Cenbr antl a PoavibL Aginq Maeunee <br /> Cantav Site <br /> ________________________________ _____ <br /> D6PARTNENT Aging PUBLIC 9EARING 288 NO E <br /> BUDGET AlRNDl2NT YSS NO 8 <br /> ATTAC�ffiNT�S) : INYORlATION CONTACT <br /> Seiiy M. Passmoce, Ex 2009 <br /> Soint Summaiy RepOIC antl Px¢limindry <br /> aecommentla[ions <br /> TELCP60NL qOtlBER <br /> Potential Si[e Lis[ foi Aging Cen[ec 9111abeceugh 93P-8181 <br /> Chap�l 6i11 968-�501 <br /> Heban� 22)-1031 <br /> Wcham 688-'l331 <br /> _______________________________________________________________________ <br /> YOAPO88: To mfoxm [he Boaxd of collaboia[ive planning effores to <br /> es[ablish a w Chapel Hill Senio[ Center as pate of a nity- <br /> si[y partneiship [o c eate an Aging Resouice Cen[ei�antl Co <br /> neques[ apptoval [o tlesiqna[e [Me Southern Human Services Center <br /> pmopem[y as one of Che si[es fox consitleration in es[ablishing a Centec <br /> campus. <br /> BISRGROUNU: Basetl on the neetl [o plan quickly [o meplace C1�e Chapel <br /> Nill Seniom Cen[er by Sune 30, 2001 �vhen che Gallexia lease expiresl , <br /> che Coun[y oepartment on Aging began work in MaxcM1 1998 wi[� c nity <br /> in[exes[ gzoups [�a[ included [he Fnientls of [he Chapel Hill Seni�oc <br /> Ce�temp UNC-CH (piovost OfEice antl N.C. Instltute on Aging) ; ONC <br /> Hospi[als; the Town of Chapel Hi11; antl Carol Woods. As notetl in the <br /> at[ached s ary report, a Collaboza[ive Planning CommicGee v s focmetl <br /> n Api11 1998 antl expantletl [o explome c eative par[necships . The <br /> giwp' s v mt only Co es[ablish a motlel Senior Centec fox <br /> divect s Wabut also a motlel inte¢disciplinacy, c ni[y- <br /> ec[etlrgemntological etlucation and applied c cch p=og[am. This <br /> broatler effoct is des<cibetl as a Coun[y Aging Resoume Centev. <br /> Over Che past foux mon[hs, the Collaboza[ive Planning Commi[[ee me[ <br /> [wice antl focmetl [wo woxking subcommittees: (1) Relationships Co <br /> atlticess itleas of inesponsibilities antl func[ions of a paz[nexship, antl <br /> 12� Space: to atldmess space and lantl neetls wi[h such a paz[neiship. <br />