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ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />Action Agentle <br />Item No. 9.a <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: August 10, 1990 <br />SUBJECT: Eflantl-Cheeks COmmumty School Park; Plan Approval <br />DEPARTMENT: PURCHASING AND Public Hearing: No <br />CENTRAL BERVICES Butlget AmerMmeM Regtl? No <br />ATTACHMENT(S)'. INFORMATION CONTACT'. <br />PAM JONES, ext. 2859 <br />Telephone Number- <br />Hillsborough ]32-6161 <br />Chapel HIII 96]-9251 <br />Mebane 22]-2031 <br />Durham 688-]331 <br />pURROBE: To consitler the pmposetl plane for the Eflantl-Cheeks Community School <br />Park. <br />BACKGROUND: Woolpad, a Chatlode basetl amhiteCUrel fine, was approvetl by the <br />BoaN in April. 1990 to carry out master planning antl tlesign services assodatetl wdh <br />the EMntl Cheeks Community School Park. The Board may retell that as part of the <br />apProvetl tleeign process, the consultant wan expetletl to bring back the design for <br />review and approval by Commissioners antl County ateR M apeoific milestones in the <br />project. Tha completion of tlesign development mcuments was one such milestone. <br />This review fulfills Mat requirement. <br />On July 1], 1990 they presented Me preliminary tlesign documents to the EMnd- <br />Cheeks Community School Task Force. CommaMa tram the task force will be <br />incorporated into the final cenatruction documents. <br />In atldttioq Ma Recreation Oiretlor bas shared the preliminary tlesign with <br />representatives of the Orange County Schools. Their comments will be inmmoratetl <br />Into the Mal censtroclion tloouments. <br />Il is nMable Nat while the tlesgn presentetl to the Boats vdll inclutle accommotlations <br />for a full range of ails possibilRles, only Phase I components are currently funtletl. <br />Those items tlasignatetl an Me plan ae 'future' represent functions that may to <br />motlatetl on the site, but In fact may never be built As each phase is tlevelopeq <br />tleeign tlecisions will be made 1o determine what comDOneMa shall ba built tluring Mat <br />phase. <br />