Orange County NC Website
All surrounding properties are within Orange County's jurisdiction and <br />are zoned ARCANE -PW) Agricultural- Residential (Cane Creek <br />Protected Watershed). <br />The requested rezoning has hism initiated to accommodate the <br />establishment of an agricultural service business permitted by the Orange <br />County Zoning Ordhunce. The property, is designated AR Agriculmral- <br />Residentizl in the land Use Element of the adopted Comprehensive <br />Plea. This category pertains to rural areas where prevailing activities <br />(agriculture, forestry) are related to the land in an appropriate location <br />for the continuation of these uses. Therefore, the oronnsed rezoning m <br />AS would he consistentwith the Comerehensive Mae <br />The intent of AS zowrg is to provide sites in rural areas for rural tun. <br />farm, turn residential uses which support horticultural, silviculroml, and <br />agricultural purposes of AR districts. Application criteria state that this <br />district will usually be employed where the following conditions exist: <br />1. The site is within an area designed by the adoptetl food Use <br />Element of the Comprehensive Plan as Agricultural - Residential. <br />(No change in the Comprehensive Plan is requited.) <br />2. The lot size for individual uses would be appropriate to water <br />supply and sewage disp ood. <br />3. Normally, the maximum amount of land zoned Agricultural <br />Service would be an more Nan ten acres. <br />If the rezoning to AS is approved, the following development restrictions <br />apply: <br />1. The front building setback must he 50 fm; <br />2. The side and rear building setbacks must he 20 feet, <br />3. The maximum impervious surface shall be tu more than 12 <br />percent, including all structure "footprints," paved and graveled <br />driveways, aprons, and all compacted outside storage areas; and <br />4. A 75- to 10(i land Use Buffer adjacent to residential uses is <br />required, depeding upon the use proposed. <br />Comments have been received from the Fire Marshal, 911, the Sheriff , <br />and Piedmont Electric Membership Corporation stating that the uses <br />permitted N as AS zoning district at this location can be served. <br />