Orange County NC Website
SECTION VIB: AMENDING THE CONTRACT <br />This content[ in whole or m my part may be amended at my fine: <br />A. By the Depmmsevt iv the event that such amendment is necessary m comply with <br />applicable laws, regulefions, policies and standards; and by mutual covxnt of bath parties. <br />B. Psch party to this connect will notify the older immediately fr writing if m amendment <br />biomes necessary due to alremtiovs in the activities dncribN N Attachment A or for any <br />other reason. <br />SE~T~QN' ]Y: TERMINATION <br />A. This connect, in whole or m my pan, may be cancelled et my time: <br />1. BY any Party. wdth mnq upon at least 30 days notice, m writing, and delivered by <br />registered mail with rensrv receipt reyuestN or in person, or <br />2. By the Depatmevt in the even[ reimbutsemevt m the DepamveM is not available <br />mNor continued et m aggregate level sufficient [o allow for Ne purchase of the <br />indicated qumfity of service. The obligations ofeach party shall be tertninated to Ne <br />crtent specified N the notce of tesminatiom immedimely upon receipt of Ne notice of <br />terminerion from the Depemvevn or <br />3. By th<Depattrnentin the<vmtthet the Division of Social Services/Depertrnent <br />dnentdnea that We Provides is N violation ofmy or etl of fie terms of this Contract. <br />The obligation ofeach party shall be temunmcd to Ne extent specified in the notice <br />of renvinmion immedimely upon receipt ofthe notice fiom the Department, or <br />4. By mutud consent of all pertin. <br />B. In the event oftemiidafiov N pert, ell ponies shall continue the pertbtmmce of this <br />Contract to the anent not rermintm. <br />C. If this Contrmct is tervuvatN, iv whole or N part, [he Provider may be required to deliver <br />and trenfrr Title or assigmnmt otinterest to the Division of Social Services or dispose of <br />my pmperry specifically produced or acquired for the pertbnrimsce of such part of Ws <br />Contract az taus been temdnated and the Pmvider shell, upon the direction of the Division <br />of Social Service, pro[at end preserve property iv the possession ofthe Provider in <br />which Ne Division of Social Services has m imcrest. <br />D. After receipt of a notice of temusmtioM and except n otherwise duetted by the <br />Department, the Provides shall cease work under the Contrac[ ov the date, an W the <br />extent specified, in the notice of terminatlon. The Depemnent shall pay the Provider the <br />agreed upon amount for tM dehverY of services under the terms ofthis Contmm up to the <br />