Orange County NC Website
sec rv: RECORDS AND g~Qg$TS <br />A. The Provider agrees to maintain clirnt records which date erM document, in mcordmce <br />with established polity, Ne service delivered for the individual, a valid authorization (or <br />urvice, programs racoMs, documents and other evidence which reflect progrun <br />opera[ioru. <br />B. The Provider agrees to fiwish ivfortnation m Ne Department, as requested, W support <br />provision of service(s) pursuant to Nis Convect and the full cos[ of the xrvice; and <br />submit chmges, needed or required, in this Connm4 Anmlunrnt A or approved <br />supporring infommtiov for review and approval by Ne Deparmsent. <br />C. The Provider agrees to maintain books, records, dopumrnts and oNa evidence and <br />owting procedures which reflect all direct and indirect costs expended mdec tens <br />Contract. A<urtent,<omplete inventory of ell equipment purchazed under the terms of <br />Nis Contract must be kept. <br />D. The Provide agrees to retain ell books, records arW oNer docwnrnis relevmt to Nis <br />Convect far Nree years afltt final payment or mdl all audits continued beYVnd Nis period <br />art completed Federal auditors end my persons auWOdzed by Ne Division of Social <br />Services or Ne Department sbdl have the right to examine my of Neu mmerials. In <br />records Produced under dus Contract will be lamed ovtt to Ne Depazwmt. <br />SECTION V: SUBCONTRACTING <br />The Providtt shall not subcontract my of We work covtempiazed mdec Nis Contract wiNOUt <br />abmiviug prioc wrinen approval from Ne Department AnY approvM subconvact shall be <br />subject to all conditions ofthis Covtmct. The Provider shall be responsible for the <br />performmu of any sub<ormacbr. <br />SECTION VL MAMTENANCE OF EFFORT <br />The Provider certifies Naz Ne fends to be used under this Contract do not replace or mpplmt, <br />in mY waY. Federal, Stm<m local Omds for already existing services.. <br />SECTION VD: MONITORMG AND EVALUATION <br />A. The Provider agrees to partrcipam m program, final and admirdsvative moniroring or <br />audits, making records m staff time available [o Fedeml, Smte arW comry staff. <br />8. The Provider agrees [o take nmessary steps for cortective e<tiom as negotiated witldn a <br />corrective acvon plaq for any itevu found to be out of compliance wiN Fedeml end State <br />laws, regulations, stmdaMS md/or terms o(this Contract. <br />