Orange County NC Website
3. Comply with all State li<evsing standards, all applicable accrediting srandards and <br />any older standards or criteria mablished by~he Division of Social Services to <br />assme quality o[services; and <br />4. Restrict the use or diulasurc of information obtained iv cowectiov with the <br />admwstratiov ofNonh Carolina's programs for Ne provision of services <br />con<eming applicants for and recipirnts ofthvu smites ro purpose directly <br />cormected wiN the admivistration of the xrvice program; and <br />5. Comply with the arms of Section 504 of the Rehabilimtion Act of t9]3 and all <br />requirements impoud by or pursuant to the regulations of the Depadmrnr of <br />HeWN and Human Smias issued pursuant to that Section, which prohibit <br />diunminetiov against havdicapped peruns N wployment and in the operation <br />of programs end activities receiving Federal funds; and <br />6. Comply with Title VI and VII of Ne Civil Rights Act of 1964 and ell requirements <br />'unposed by oc pursuavt to the regWetiovs ofNe Deparmsevt of Health and Human <br />Service issued pursuant to Nat Title;aM <br />]. Aaept fiscal respovsibility for deviations fiom the teems of this Contract asaresWc <br />of acts ofthe Provider or any of its officers, employees, agevts oc repreuntazives. <br />SEC~TI 'y IL RE9PONSBILI'fY FOR LLIBILIT[23 <br />Each parry hereto egrets tv be rcspomible for its owm liabilities end that of its affcers, <br />emplcyees, agents, or represrntative arising wt ofthis Covtract. <br />SECTION Ig: 2BEATh1ENT OF ASSETS <br />Treatment of assets acquved undo this Cavtract shall be subject to the following: <br />A. Ownenbip otproperty purchaud by the Provider under the terms ofthis Contract or <br />which reimburxmmt by the Department is based upov Ne actual pmchaze cost of Ne <br />property shell immediately van wild the Department of Human Resourtes upon such <br />reimburumevt <br />B. The NoM lkroWta Depar~ent of Human Reumces shall have no claim w property <br />purehesed by the Provider msdm the teens ofthis Contract for which reimbursement by <br />the Department is based upon approved depreciation xhedWe or use allowance. <br />C. The Provider shall mehrt°;" erW admivitter N eccordavice with sound business pmtice a <br />program for the mWvtevan<e, rcpav, prohctiov and preservative ofpmperty pmchazN <br />undo the temu ofthis Contract to assure its continued availability. <br />D. Property purohaze uvda Netermsofthis Caveat[ shall be ash Daly for Ne perfomiarsce <br />ofthis Conbact. <br />