Orange County NC Website
12 <br />State ofNoM Carolina <br />Division of Saciel Services <br />Contract Application <br />C. Reimbursement Reposing: <br />1. Expenditures <br />The Provider will raptor expeMimres monlldY W accordance wiN policy set font by <br />the Conuollers Offices, Division of Social Services, issued vie the Fiual Manual. <br />Ezpenditures ere to be reproted av Ne DSS Admwso-ative Cost Aepon (Porto DSS- <br />15]I, Part]Il). Reports are b be submited to We Deparvnent by the fifth working <br />day ofthe month following the month in wbich services were delivered. The <br />Deparimmt will reimbmu the Provider monody, usually by chink, upon receipt of a <br />comyletM and correctly filed repmL <br />2. Reporting for Ne Statewide Services Wovneuon System (SI$) <br />In edditiov to the AdmisdstreUVe Cort Report (DSS-1571, Part III), the Provider will <br />submit to Ne Depamvmt the Montldy Report of Service Iklivery (DSS Fonn IS]t, <br />Part IV). This should be submitted along with dse Admitdavative Cast Report by the <br />fitN working day of tM month fogowing the mouth N which services were delivered <br />The uvin reported N Column 12 of the 1$]t Pan IV are Ne utdts of service defined in <br />Column 5 of I.C. of ttds Attachment. Service deEnition end reporting hcmuctiore are <br />fount iv Family Services Manual, Volume VI, Chapter IV. <br />D. Adwt Aaryirwmts <br />The Provider shall be responsible for complimce with the audit regairemevts of <br />Deparvemt ofHealN and Humor Servicea fedemi regulation 8$ CFA Part ]4, <br />Adminstrmion of Grano, or Smte Admmisvaave Procedures Manuel tar Fetleml Block <br />Grant Fords, whichever is aPPlicable. Theo rcgulaaore stipulate that m annual audit be <br />performed for the fiscal year iv which mvtmct funds were rettived. <br />O1. NA <br />Privace, non-profit ifemoum ofrohnbursevunt received is undo S 1,000; private, <br />for profit or individual <br />O 2. (Applicabel m Psivete, Nan-Profit Providers i£reimh $1,000 w war) <br />An annual audit is m be petfatmetl iv eaordmce wiN OMB Circular A-110 by m <br />"vMryisent auditor." Independent auditor' means either. (a) a sate government <br />auditor horn the Department of Human Resources or the Department of <br />AdmitdstraUOm Office m the State Auditor; oc (b) a certified public accountant. <br />Upon completion of the audio a ropy of the audit report mull be forwarded [o Ne <br />comty depanmmt of sacul services. <br />