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Retiree Health Iasurauce <br />Bevefih Previow ABC Bwrd Pofiey Current ABC Bwrd Policy Current Orovge Couvty Yalicy <br />Policy Effective 9-14-93 1-1-96 9-1-9] <br />Date <br />Coverage For eligible anployas why No Change For eligible employees who retire directly <br /> mire dvady from 6om employmrnt with Orange Couny <br /> employment wilb [he ABC and regwn panicipazion within 30 <br /> Boats. calendar days ofthe last dam of <br /> employment. <br />Employee IS years of ABC xrvice 25 years ofABC service I. 10 years of Orange Couvty xrvice, or <br />Eligibility <br /> 2. At age 65 with az least 5 years of <br /> Orange County xrvice, or <br /> 3. On a disability retiremene with as least <br /> 5 years ofOmnge Counry service <br />Brnefit Provided The ABC BoaN covtiWtes The employee may participate in Ne group For Item I above, sbe Couvty wntribums <br />far iMividwl 100% of the cast. hralth iwumnce plan by paying Ne full 100°/. For Items 2 and 3 above, the <br />rrage priorm cart. 'Nre ABC BOaM does not pay any pan Counry contributes 50°/a of Ne cost. <br />age 65 of dse cost. <br />BewftprovideA At age 65, the ABC BOard The ABC Boats dues not pay any pan of At age 65 for ltemlabove, Ne Coumy <br />for individual conribues 100%ofthe tort Ne cast ofMdirare BUpplementiwumwe. conaibuses 100%of the cost nol to exceed <br />coverage at age 65 of Me6care Suppluvtat the amount it would pay for individual <br /> iwumrce. employee coverage. For Items 2 and l <br /> above, the County wntributes 50%. <br />GNMfaWer N/A 1. RMiremenl after l/INB wiN lS years of N/A <br />Provisiow - ABC smite w of 12131/9], tM ABC <br />employe Barad contributes 100% oftM cost for <br />eligibility end iMividual covaage uNil age 65. At 65, <br />benefit povidW the ABC BoW contributes 100% ofNe <br /> cost of Medicare SupplemeN Iwurance. <br />