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J. ABCB dP C E I H INI <br />[n temps of the ABC Board employees becoming a part of the Cowty group heWN <br />e, Personnel explored with the Tryst Ne impacts ofsuoh coverage. The Trost <br />officials advise such parlicipa[ion could over lime increase Ne Cowty's health <br />ce claims expetlence. Since the Cowry's rotes rake accowr of its claims <br />experience, Ne Trurt advises Nat they believe inchtding Ne ABC employees would <br />rases Ne Cowry's health insurance rtes over what Ne Cowty woWd otherwise <br />experience. The Trust advises this is because the ABC group represrnts w older <br />population then Ne County group. <br />SmRRemmmevdaHOn <br />1. Retlme HeWN lrumance <br />The ABC Bomd action N essblishivg Ne wtiW gmvdfaNer provision for its retiree <br />health haumvce recogwsd the significant employm issues involved in making a <br />policy transition u tlds area. Employees W accepting employment and continuing <br />employment with the ABC Board have done so wiN Ne expmmdon ofthis benefit. <br />To this end it assutN benefit mvemge for employes who bed aheady'wested" W the <br />benefit by rea<hinB IS Years. <br />Given Ne employee mmidemtiom and the rclativ<ly limited impact of such <br />extension (Ne xven employees showy on AHechmrnt 2), Persowel recorvmevds the <br />ABC Board extend sbe application of its gmvdfatherprovuion so Hat it covers WI <br />employees ofthe ABC Board as of January I, 1998 mHser Has Providin6 Nis <br /><ovemge oNy to those who bad IS years ABC service on Nm date. <br />2. HeWN lmvrmxe <br />Sinn the ABC Board has the opdov ofpursuing NCACC HeWN Baumvce Ttta[ <br />coverage on its own, it is remmmevd~ the ABC Board explore this opdov if it <br />desvesmmraider oNer heelN haurance Providem then its presmtprovider. givce <br />Ne Trust quote m the ABC Board pmvidd Ne same rate az the Cowry's rote woWd <br />have bens bed it sought renewal az of the same dare, there is no evident mat saving <br />for Ne ABC Bond tv parHcipare u Ne Cowry plw. Mormvtt, if the ABC Board <br />did participate in Hre Cowry plan, the Tres[ advises this coWd mcre,=^ the Cowty's <br />rotes overtime. <br /> <br />August 10, 1998 <br />