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avaclunevt <br />ABC Board Retiree Health Igsurence <br />Background <br />Effective Jwuary I,1998 Ne Orange Cowty ABC Board implemented a chmge m its <br />retiree hea1N iruurcnce policy for employtts rc['ving Gom service wish Ne Orange <br />CowryABC Board. Subsequent to Nat change, quenioru have arisen regarding the <br />impact of she change on cunmt ABC employ«s. In repome, Ne Orange Cowry <br />Personnel Deparvnmt was requested so: <br />o Review and compere Ne ABC reriree hWN iasmw« wiN Nat Orange Cowry <br />offers retiring Cowty employ«s. <br />o As«ss the actuarial impett of possible chwge N the ABC Board retiree hea1N <br />iuumv« covemge, ifadoprM by the ABC Board. <br />o Explore the option of the ABC Board obsiNng healN ituumn«coverage rtvough <br />the Cowry's healN imumvce Provider, the North Carolina Association of Counry <br />Commissioners (NCACC) BWN Isvswwce Tmst. <br />This report ssuvmadzes Ne resWU of that review. <br />ABC Redree Heuhh Ivaurwce Coverage <br />1. ABC Policy Chwue <br />Prior to Jwuary 1, 1998, the ABC Board Provided retiree hWN ivswesrce covemge <br />ro retying employee wiN IS years ABC service. For swh employ«s the ABC <br />Board paid Ne fWl cost ofthe ivdividW retiree's hWN insumvice coverage. <br />Efiecave Jmuary 1,1998 Ne ABC BOBrd chwged iu poliry m provide rcdrre hWN <br />~ urenoe covmaga (on the ABC Board Broup hWN uuurev« plan) m rotldng ABC <br />emPloytts wiN 25 Years ABC service and to require Ne rcshtt pay Nc fall cost of <br />the wvemge. <br />2. ABC "GmMfssher" Provision <br />With she Jwuary 1, 1998 policy chmge, Ne ABC Board adopted a "gmadfaNet' <br />provision. Und« this, ABC employees who already had IS years ABC service u of <br />]muary 1, 1998 arc cove d by tl+e Policy iv effect Pnor to lavuary 1, 1998. That is, <br />these employ«s wndvw m be eligible m participate w the AHC Board's retiree <br />health insurwce with IS years ABC service mN« Nan 25 avd the ABC Board <br />continues m pay Ne fWl tort of individual covemge. Also wrier Nis gmndfeNn <br />provision, employees already refired and receiving benefits wdm the previous policy <br />